Home Office staff to receive training on history of migration in the wake of the Windrush scandal

Home Office staff to receive ‘comprehensive’ training on the history of migration and race in the UK in the wake of the Windrush scandal Training for Home Office staff to ‘understand history of migration in this country’ Priti Patel pledged to take ‘a more compassionate approach to applications’ The Home Secretary said ‘nothing like’ the … Read more

French health workers are given a £7billion pay rise in the wake of coronavirus

France has agreed a £7billion payrise and hiring spree for its healthcare workers after they took to the streets in protest following the coronavirus crisis.   The money will largely cover pay rises for existing staff – with nurses, care workers and non-medical staff getting the bulk of it – while 15,000 new staff will be … Read more

Vacations fall to record lows in the wake of lockdown ending

Package holiday prices have fallen to record lows, with seven-night summer breaks being sold for under £100. Travel firms are slashing their prices in a bid to salvage what is left of the summer season as quarantine restrictions are lifted. Last Minute is offering seven nights at Darius Firenze B&B in Florence in August for … Read more

Hargreaves shakes up best buy list in wake of the Woodford debacle

Hargreaves Lansdown shakes up its best buy funds list in wake of the Neil Woodford debacle By Lucy White For The Daily Mail Published: 21:51 BST, 29 June 2020 | Updated: 21:51 BST, 29 June 2020 Hargreaves Lansdown will publish its updated list of recommended funds today as it tries to repair its image following … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Britain MUST now shake off this morbid funk in wake of coronavirus

There’s an apt and vivid phrase which Boris Johnson uses in private to describe a mood that has engulfed much of the country.  He says we must beware of ‘morbid funk’. He appears to mean there is a risk of the nation being so obsessed with Covid-19, and so fearful of its consequences, that we’ll avoid … Read more

‘Clock’ predicts when Sun will ‘wake up’ and cause solar storms

New ‘sun clock’ predicts when Earth’s star will wake from its slumber, helping experts prepare for extreme space weather events that knock out power grids and satellites The sun is currently sleeping, but experts say an awakening is imminent  When it wakes, it will increase solar activity and create extreme space weather  Scientists have now designed … Read more

Police protest across France over ban on chokeholds in the wake of George Floyd’s death

Police protest across France over ban on chokeholds in the wake of George Floyd’s death – and warn ‘we are appeasing a certain part of the population at the expense of the law’ Interior Minister Christophe Castaner banned chokeholds for detaining suspects Officers marched along the Champs Elysees in Paris to the interior ministry  Police … Read more

Halsey launches Black Creators Fund to help promote work of Black artists in wake of BLM protests

Halsey launches Black Creators Fund to help promote the work of Black artists in wake of BLM protests By Rachel Mcgrath For Dailymail.com Published: 02:51 BST, 12 June 2020 | Updated: 05:07 BST, 12 June 2020 She’s been taking part in protests in Los Angeles over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and is … Read more

Beyonce’s mom Tina Lawson thanks everyone who demonstrated in wake of police killing of George Floyd

Tina Lawson took to Instagram with kind words to everyone who made their voice heard in the nine days since the death of an unarmed black man named George Floyd in an exchange with police in Minneapolis. The 66-year-old mother of Beyonce and Solange Knowles cited a number of different ways people spread resources and … Read more

Wake up Britain! If we don’t rouse from lockdown torpor soon, we face an economic collapse

Even now, when the lockdown is beginning to ease, it is an eerie experience to walk down your local High Street. Most shops are still shuttered. The restaurants are dark, the pubs abandoned. The dusty pavements stretch out in front of you, silent and empty, weeds poking through the cracks. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve … Read more