Kyrgyzstan PM quits amidst violent protests and accusations of vote-rigging

Kyrgyzstan’s prime minister has quit amidst ongoing violent protests and accusations of vote-rigging, as the former Soviet state teeters on the brink of a revolution. Kubatbek Boronov resigned Tuesday after widespread unrest pushed the country’s electoral body to cancel the results of Sunday’s parliament elections. Boronov, an ally of pro-Russian President Sooronbay Jeenbekov, was replaced … Read more

Rookie prison warder, 21, was left in charge of entire wing of violent offenders

Rookie prison warder, 21, with just 10 months experience was left in charge of entire wing of violent offenders at privately-run jail  Levi Simic, 21, ran B wing at HMP Forest Bank, a category B jail in Salford Prison warder had 10 months experience before he was put in charge of wing Simic has been … Read more

Texas father dies as neck broken by officers during violent arrest

The family of a man who died after his neck was broken during a violent arrest in Texas are suing the authorities in a wrongful death lawsuit. Jorge Gonzalez Zuniga, a 23-year-old father and husband, was celebrating Easter at a BBQ with friends in Hidalgo County on April 11. At some point during the celebration … Read more

Shocking moment a violent brawl breaks out between drunk strangers at a petrol station

Shocking moment violent brawl erupts at petrol station after drunk thug makes crude jokes about rival’s mother and launches beer at his car Men stand outside Salisbury petrol station swigging beer and yelling at stranger When one hurls beer can at silver car, the driver gets out and starts fighting Brawl spills into shop while … Read more

Kamala Harris slammed claims BLM protests and violent unrest ‘essential’ for keeping police in check

Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has come in for criticism after saying that protests against racial injustice, including those by the Black Lives Matter group are ‘essential for the evolution of our country’  – with some online branding her ‘ignorant’. Senator Harris D-Calif. made the comments during the NAACP’s national convention in which she was interviewed for … Read more

Facebook preparing ‘exceptional’ measures if US election descends into violent chaos

Facebook is preparing to take ‘exceptional’ measures to restrict the flow of content on its site if the US election descends into violence, its head of global affairs says.  Nick Clegg, former Lib Dem leader and UK deputy prime minister, said the site is preparing a number of ‘break glass’ options to use in the … Read more

‘Pent up rage’ from lockdown sees violent crime soar to its highest level in a DECADE

Violent crime has soared to its highest level in a decade after a surge in drug feuds, domestic abuse and hate crime, statistics show. Drug rivalries became increasingly violent in the first phase of the coronavirus pandemic in order to retain their turf. Violence outside of venues also soared as lockdown restrictions loosened due to … Read more

French cop kicks British man’s head in violent footage in arrest for ‘not wearing a face mask’

French cop kicks and stamps on British man’s head in violent footage as the Briton is arrested for ‘not wearing a face mask and possessing a knife’ at a train station Briton allegedly drunk, refusing to wear mask at station in Orleans on Tuesday Officers arrived to haul the man off the train before they … Read more

Quiet night in Lancaster after it was revealed knifeman had a violent history

Protesters remained peaceful in Lancaster, Pennsylvania last night after it was revealed that Richard Munoz – the man whose death they were demonstrating against – had previously stabbed four people.   A small group of protesters could be seen gathered in Lancaster last night, holding ‘Defund the Police’ and ‘Black Lives Matter‘ banners, but their numbers … Read more

Trump slams Democrats’ ‘peaceful protests’ with violent video from Portland

President Donald Trump ridiculed ongoing protests in Portland by tweeting a video of an activist accidentally setting himself on fire with a Molotov cocktail.   ‘These are the Democrats “peaceful protests”. Sick!’ Trump panned on Sunday as he retweeted a clip of the activist and fellow protesters desperately trying to extinguish the blaze engulfing his pants.   … Read more