‘Superpower’ that kiwis detect vibrations in the grounds evolved from birds 70 MILLION years ago

One of the most ancient groups of birds was able to detect vibrations in the ground, allowing them to capture prey – a ‘superpower’ that is found in a handful of modern-day birds. The trait, called remote-touch, is known among kiwis, ibises and sandpipers, but a team from the University of Cape Town believes the lithornithids … Read more

‘Superpower’ that kiwis detect vibrations in the grounds evolved from birds two MILLION years ago

One of the most ancient groups of birds was able to detect vibrations in the ground, allowing them to capture prey – a ‘superpower’ that is found in a handful of modern-day birds. The trait, called remote-touch, is known among kiwis, ibises and sandpipers, but a team from the University of Cape Town believes the lithornithids … Read more

Ground vibrations caused by traffic and industrial work halved during lockdown 

Ground vibrations caused by traffic and industrial work halved globally during the coronavirus lockdown, a new study shows. Social distancing, fewer cars on roads and drops in tourism and travel resulted in the ‘longest and most pronounced quiet period’ of seismic noise in recorded history.  Seismic noise refers to vibrations in the ground, caused by traffic … Read more

Vibrations from black holes colliding harmonize with Elvis Presley’s ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love’

Vibrations captured from a collision of two black holes in deep space harmonizes with the first notes of Elvis Presley’s hit ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.’ Researchers found the source of the gravitational waves stems from the most exotic merger of two black holes ever detected – one weighs more than three … Read more