University lecturer, 73, is sacked after telling colleague ‘positive stereotypes’

A university lecturer was sacked after claiming ‘Jewish people are the cleverest in the world’ and ‘Germans are good engineers’. Stephen Lamonby claimed his comments were not racist or offensive because he was using ‘positive stereotypes’. The 73-year-old also said he ‘had a soft spot’ for young black men because they are underprivileged and ‘need … Read more

Lockdown was ‘less effective in BAME communities’, University of Leicester study finds

Lockdown measures imposed in late March to slow down the spread of coronavirus may not have been as effective in black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities because of the ‘one-size-fits-all approach’, scientists have said. Academics at the University of Leicester found that Covid-19 cases continued to rise in BAME groups in certain parts of … Read more

Russia claims to have signed Covid-19 vaccine deal with Oxford University

Russia has denied hacking Oxford University’s Covid-19 data as they have signed a deal with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and the college to produce a vaccine.  Moscow’s sovereign wealth fund publicly announced details of the agreement after the Kremlin was accused of engaging in cyber espionage.  Britain, Canada and the United States said on Thursday that … Read more

Gold Rolex-wearing university manager and con artist husband funded lifestyle with credit card scam

An international con artist and his partner have been ordered to hand over more than £1 million after defrauding wealthy victims to fund their extravagant lifestyle. Ayodele Oluseye Odewale, 42, and Sara Bharat Yadav, 40, trawled through public records to find information about their victims so they could apply for credit cards in their names.  … Read more

University Challenge returns but viewers point out the ’embarrassing’ lack of diversity in the teams

New series of University Challenge sparks fury as white men dominate the teams AGAIN – with viewers saying the BBC show ‘must do better’ on diversity  Academic quiz was back on screens on BBC 2 last night, with Jeremy Paxman  Glasgow and Exeter University both had a lack of diversity on their teams One viewer, … Read more

University student who ran away to join ISIS ‘is killed trying to escape from jail in Syria’

University of Westminster student who ran away to join ISIS ‘is killed trying to escape from jail in Syria’ Ishak Mostefaoui, 27,  reportedly died while trying to escape custody in Syria The student originally from east London left the UK to join ISIS in 2014 His father Abderrahmane says the football-loving boy was radicalised in 2013  By … Read more

Cambridge University college that produced ‘reputation-laundering paper for Huawei’ banked £155,000

Cambridge University college that produced ‘reputation-laundering paper for Huawei’ banked £200,000 from the Chinese state and £155,000 from the telecoms giant In February, Jesus College published ‘white paper’ which described Huawei favourably and also spoke of need to accept differing standards in countries  Huawei was accused of ‘reputation laundering’ for bankrolling the research It was … Read more

London’s City University changes name of Cass Business School

London’s City University changes name of its Cass Business School because of Sir John Cass’ slavery links City University business school was named after 17th Century merchant in 2002  The Cass Business School was given a donation by the Sir John Cass foundation However, both the business school and the foundation will change their names … Read more

Blair-era target to send 50 percent of young people to university is axed

Blair-era target to send 50 percent of young people to university is axed as cash for apprenticeships is boosted in Rishi Sunak’s ‘mini-budget’ Chancellor Rishi Sunak will announce increased funding for apprenticeships Gavin Williamson will formally abandon the 50 per cent target next week  The 50 per cent target set by Tony Blair has been … Read more

Covid will change University life, predicts Pearson boss

John Fallon should by now be stepping down as chief executive of Pearson. His plans to leave the education publishing business after seven tough years at the top have been delayed because the coronavirus crisis has made it harder to recruit a successor. That leaves him holding the fort to deal with the pandemic, and … Read more