15,000 students rejected by universities due to low A-level grades can reapply today

The 15,000 students rejected by universities due to low A-level grades can reapply today with their upgraded marks – but middle-class students could miss out as institutes look to ‘prioritise disadvantaged pupils’. Devastated pupils hit by Ofqual’s dreaded algorithm had originally seen their marks reduced to the point where they were turned down by their … Read more

Government tells universities to ‘prioritise disadvantaged pupils’ amid A-level grade chaos 

Universities minister Michelle Donelan wrote to vice-chancellors requesting their flexibility around admissions and asking them to honour all offers accepted The Government is asking universities to prioritise students from disadvantaged backgrounds for admission ‘where possible’ following the U-turn on A-level grades – meaning Middle-Class pupils may be forced to take gap years.  Universities minister Michelle … Read more

Universities need £3BILLION: IFS warns of soaring costs of giving cash to top institutions

Top universities have called on the Government for additional funds to take on more students and for the cap on the number of pupils studying medicine to be lifted amid fears ministers face a £3billion bailout. Thousands of students are scrambling to get places at their first choice university after ministers screeching u-turn on A-Level … Read more

Universities could face legal action from A-level students

Universities could face legal action from A-level students if they have to defer a place for a year after receiving an offer, say lawyers Thousands of students are scrambling to get places at first choice university  A number of top schools have already said students may have to defer to 2021 Lawyers said that universities … Read more

Universities demand Government money to cope with U-turn chaos

Universities are demanding more money in order to cope with taking in extra students following a Government U-turn – as thousands of A-level students face waiting until 2021 to go to university. The sudden change in policy over exam grades left 55,000 pupils scrambling for places, leaving elite universities facing the prospect of being overwhelmed. … Read more

‘Stretched’ universities face being overwhelmed by A-level U-turn

Universities have been thrown into chaos over the Government’s exams U-turn last night as 55,000 pupils scramble for the remaining places and 80,000 students plan to appeal their results. The industry’s main umbrella body said universities were seeking ‘urgent clarification’ on how to accommodate students they had earlier refused because of A-level results downgrades.  55,000 … Read more

Universities ‘will soften’ admissions rules as 40% of A level grades downgraded

Universities have pledged to ‘soften’ admissions rules with 40 per cent of A-Level results set to be downgraded today – and Gavin Williamson defying calls to scrap the process of ‘standardising’ marks. Hundreds of thousands of students are learning their fate this morning after their courses were blighted by coronavirus, with exams having to be … Read more

Top-class degrees dished out by Britain’s best universities almost TRIPLES

The number of first- class degrees awarded by the UK’s top universities has almost tripled over the past two decades leading to accusations they have become ‘meaningless.’ The elite Russell Group intuitions  – that includes schools such as Oxford, Cambridge and LSE – have seen huge increases in students getting the highest level of academic … Read more

‘Over expansion’ of universities is leaving students with ‘heavy debts for little economic benefit’

‘Over expansion’ of universities is leaving students with ‘heavy debts for little economic benefit’ think tank warns as it calls for ‘radical reform’ of sector Dr Lee Jones and Dr Philip Cunliffe penned the report on universities’ struggles They recommend closing and merging some as well as making entry harder Universities are already facing problems … Read more

Nine UK universities that rely on Chinese students for a FIFTH of their income

1) University of Glasgow 31% of total tuition income paid by Chinese students £70million estimated income from Chinese students 10% of students from China  2) University of Liverpool 29% of total tuition income paid by Chinese students £89million estimated income from Chinese students 19% of students from China 3) University of Sheffield 26% of total … Read more