Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott is made president of the UK’s Board of Trade

Tony Abbott gets a job! Former prime minister becomes a UK trade envoy 15 months after leaving politics – as Scott Morrison says he is a ‘good hire’ Ex Australian PM Tony Abbott will become president of the UK’s Board of Trade The 62-year-old will tasked with helping Britain strike trade deals around world  He … Read more

EU trade commissioner Phil Hogan is told to ‘consider his position’ by Ireland’s political leaders

EU trade commissioner Phil Hogan is told to ‘consider his position’ by Ireland’s political leaders after he attended golf dinner with more than 80 people in breach of Covid guidelines EU commissioner Phil Hogan attended golf dinner with 80 people on Wednesday Two senior Irish politicians have resigned after details of the dinner came to … Read more

EU trade talks ‘could stall over Brussels’ refusal to allow British hauliers full access’

EU trade talks ‘could stall over Brussels’ refusal to allow British hauliers full access to work within the bloc after the UK leaves in December’ UK wants hauliers allowed to work extensively within the bloc after December This includes transit to Turkey and making drop offs in member states But Brussels says it gives almost … Read more

Restrictions on the use of antibiotics on UK farm animals ‘watered down to help US trade deal’

Restrictions on the use of antibiotics on British farm animals ‘were watered down to help post-Brexit US trade deal’ Campaigners accuse UK ministers of giving themselves ‘blank slate’ on safety rules so they can clinch post-Brexit deal with the US Rules in force from January ‘will no longer refer to hundreds of medicines currently restricted or … Read more

Pop-up market breaching 800-year-old law can continue to trade

A council which incurred the wrath of villagers by shutting down their pop-up market has done a u-turn and allowed it to remain open. Earlier this week Charnwood Borough Council told the organisers of the market at the car park of the Free Trade Inn in Sileby, Leicestershire it would have to close as it breached … Read more

Government urged to uphold Britain’s world-leading agricultural standards after US trade deal fears

Britain faces the ‘decimation’ of its agriculture industry if farmers are forced to compete with inferior foreign imports, campaigners warned last night. Save British Farming has unveiled new banners and posters urging the Government to ‘save British food’ by upholding our world-leading agricultural standards. The group hopes to see homes across the country put the banners … Read more

Trade documents ‘stolen from Liam Fox by Russian hackers’ 

Secret UK trade documents used by then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to attack the Government were stolen by Russian hackers from the email account of former international trade secretary Liam Fox, it was reported today. The Department of International Trade documents on post-Brexit trade talks with the US were brandished by the hard Left MP at … Read more

Britain ‘will win 60% of its objectives in an EU trade deal’, negotiator David Frost tells Tory MPs

Britain ‘will win 60 per cent of its objectives in an EU trade deal’, negotiator David Frost tells Tory MPs amid fears of deadlock UK talks chief is reported to have privately made the assurance to Tory MPs  Talks ended last week with both sides playing down chances of a deal EU’s Barnier warned a … Read more

23andMe study reveals how the dark history of the transatlantic slave trade shaped black genetics

A new DNA study published Thursday sheds fresh light on the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade, from the legacy of rape that can be seen in today’s genetics to how disease likely decimated some groups forced to work in deadly conditions. For example, DNA from one African region may be under-represented in the US … Read more