Moment two male blue tits come to blows in battle over territory that leaves one missing an EYE 

Clash of the TIT-ans! Moment two rival male blue tits come to blows in vicious battle over territory that leaves one bird missing an EYE Photographer Scott Williams, 54, captured the rare moment while out walking in a local park in Ayr, Scotland While looking for wildlife to snap, Mr Williams spotted the male blue … Read more

Nature: Great tits who meet their ‘spouses’ earlier are more likely to breed successfully 

The sooner birds pair, the better they fair: Great tits who meet their future ‘spouses’ earlier in the year are more likely to breed successfully Researchers tracked 766 great tits living in Oxford’s Wytham Woods for six years They found earlier pairings led to earlier breeding — and more eggs being laid  This raised the chance … Read more

Great tits face extinction threat due to climate change impacting food source

Great tit extinction threat: One of Britain’s most common garden birds could be WIPED OUT by 2100 as climate change causes insect larvae to hatch ‘too early’ leaving no food for chicks Researchers studied the population trends in bird and insect larvae populations They found that warmer climates make the insects come out earlier in … Read more