Coronavirus antibodies from blood plasma donations start to fade three months after symptoms start

Coronavirus antibodies in blood plasma donations fade rapidly after symptoms first appear, a new study suggests. Researchers followed a small group of recovered COVID-19 patients who donated their blood and found all of them showed decreases in antibodies after three months. What’s more, just three weeks later, levels for half of the detectable antibodies fell … Read more

US military is testing wearable devices that detects illnesses TWO days before symptoms arise

US military is testing a smart watch and ring system that detects illnesses TWO days before symptoms arise – and can recognize the coronavirus US military is using a Garmin watch and Oura ring to detect illnesses  The system uses an AI that can notify users of an oncoming illness two days before symptoms appear … Read more

Only one in FIVE Britons with tell-tale symptoms of Covid-19 are self-isolating, study reveals

Just one in five Britons with tell-tale symptoms of coronavirus are choosing to self-isolate, research revealed today. King’s College London scientists, working alongside academics from Public Health England, quizzed 30,000 people living in the UK about their perception of Covid-19; the symptoms, its risks and if they knew the guidance on self-isolation.  Results showed just … Read more

Boris Johnson urged to take action on ‘long Covid’ which causes symptoms lasting for months

Boris Johnson is being urged to take action on ‘long Covid’ and formally recognise debilitating side effects of the disease that can last for months after recovery, such as fatigue, heart palpitations and breathing difficulties. MPs have called on the Government to ‘urgently’ address the problem, saying that Number 10 must first acknowledge that it exists.  … Read more

Covid-19 carriers with no symptoms are ‘just as likely to transmit the virus’

Covid-19 carriers with no symptoms are just as likely to transmit the coronavirus as those who feel ill, according to scientists. Two studies published today have given further clues about the role played by ‘silent’ spreaders – who make up around one in five of the infected.  One study of South Korean Covid-19 cases revealed … Read more

Boris Johnson is planning advertising campaign to inform teachers and parents about Covid symptoms

The Prime Minister is planning an advertising campaign to inform teachers and parents about coronavirus symptoms, it has been revealed. The government has faced severe backlash over the test and trace system which has seen those needing tests sent hundreds of miles and told to join long queues at some testing centres while others stand … Read more

South Wales social club members ‘had Covid symptoms’ on day-trip to Doncaster races

Lindsay Cons Club member Donna Clifton said 15 friends went on the trip from South Wales to Doncaster – despite some suffering symptoms and waiting on test results Friends from a social club blamed for causing a local lockdown went on a boozy day-trip to the races even though some were still waiting for coronavirus … Read more

COVID-19: Dogs and cats CAN catch the virus from their owners and even display respiratory symptoms

Pet owners infected with COVID-19 are at risk of spreading the virus to their cats and dogs — whom can also end up with respiratory systems — a study has found. Veterinary experts from Canada have warned those suspected to have contracted the novel coronavirus to stay away from their furry friends — for the … Read more

Long covid: Brain fog and constant fatigue: Healthcare professionals share symptoms

Healthcare professionals with so-called ‘long Covid’ are urging the government to take the condition seriously as they add their voices to the thousands of people suffering from lasting effects of the virus weeks, and even months, after their first symptoms.    Junior anesthetist Linn Järte, of Swansea and GP Amy Small are among those sharing their often … Read more

Online searches for Gi symptoms of COVID-19 spike for four weeks before an uptick in cases 

Could Google help predict coronavirus outbreaks? Online searches for nausea and other GI symptoms of COVID-19 spike for four weeks before an uptick in cases Researchers looked at Google searches for gastrointestinal symptoms of coronavirus in 15 states between January 20 and April 20  Search terms included loss of tase, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, … Read more