Landmark study: Virus didn’t come from animals in Wuhan market

China’s claims that the pandemic emerged from a wild animal market in Wuhan last December have been challenged by a landmark scientific study. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease. … Read more

Rising sea levels over the past 120 years are a result of man-made climate change, study shows

Global sea levels could rise as much as 10ft (3 metres) if the Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica collapses.  Sea level rises threaten cities from Shanghai to London, to low-lying swathes of Florida or Bangladesh, and to entire nations such as the Maldives.  In the UK, for instance, a rise of 6.7ft (2 metres) or more … Read more

Moisture is causing colours of The Scream to fade, study claims

Moisture in the air is triggering the degradation of the 20th century masterpiece The Scream by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, scientists say. An international team used the world’s biggest X-ray to analyse paint micro-flakes from The Scream, which is kept in the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway. Cadmium sulphide, used as a pigment in the … Read more

Fruit juice increases your risk of early death – even MORE than soda, study finds

Consuming fruit juices is just as bad for your health and likely to lead to an early death as drinking cola or lemonade, research suggests.  A new study found an increased risk of dying early from any cause for people who consumed a lot of sugary drinks.  US researchers compared, for the first time, 100 … Read more

Cars with touchscreens are a major distraction to drivers, according to new study

Cars with touchscreen displays are a major distraction to drivers, according to new study that shows people using alcohol or marijuana are more responsive to changing traffic A new study found touchscreens dramatically slow driver response time People who use touchscreens or voice controls are slower to react to changing traffic than people driving at … Read more

Study finds just 1% of coronavirus patients who received plasma suffered side effects

An experimental treatment using blood plasma is safe to use on coronavirus patients, a new study suggests. Less than one percent of about 5,000 patients from around the US who received  plasma from people who had recovered from the virus suffered ‘serious adverse effects.’ Additionally, one week later, only about 15 percent died, which the … Read more

TALKING in confined spaces can spread coronavirus, study finds

Just talking in a confined space could spread coronavirus, a new study suggests.  Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that droplets of spit that can contain infectious particles of coronavirus can linger in the air for eight to 14 minutes after someone speaks.  Especially concerning, even a person with no symptoms of … Read more

Human brains use dreams to replay recent events and help form memories, study finds 

Human brains use dreams to replay recent events and help form memories — and experts have gotten the first glimpse of this process in action, a study has reported.  When we sleep, our brains replay the firing patterns our neurons underwent while awake — a process that experts refer to as ‘offline replay’.  It is … Read more

Study finds that doing regular exercise helps older people boost their mental agility

Get active to keep your brain moving: Study finds that doing regular exercise helps older people boost their mental agility and is particularly important for those at risk of Alzheimer’s  Exercising four days per week increased blood flow to the brain in volunteers Volunteers had an average age of 66 with no history of heart … Read more

Blundering dentists pulled out almost 150 HEALTHY teeth over a five-year period, new study finds 

Blundering dentists pulled out almost 150 HEALTHY teeth over a five-year period, new study finds Researchers warn the true number may be higher than official figures suggest  They also warn that attempts to tackle the problem appear to have failed Dentist error payouts can be as high as £40,000, depending on the blunder  By Pat … Read more