Coronavirus kills 1.04% of people who catch it, says new study

The coronavirus could kill 1.04 per cent of all people who catch it, according to scientists. This death rate, estimated by researchers at Stanford University in California, would make COVID-19 10 times as deadly as the flu. It could also mean that around 4.65million people in the UK have had the virus already, based on … Read more

People who test positive for coronavirus after recovering are not infectious, study finds

People who recover from coronavirus and test positive again are NOT contagious: Korean CDC finds ‘re-positive’ patients did not infect any of their 790 contacts The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at 285 survivors of coronavirus who tested positive after other tests said they were negative Of the 790 people the patients … Read more

Enlarged heart chamber may predict who dies of coronavirus, study suggests

Can the heart predict who will die of coronavirus? Hospitalized patients with enlarged right heart chambers are nearly FOUR TIMES more likely to be killed by the infection, study finds Growing evidence suggests coronavirus attacks the heart and blood vessels as well as the lungs  Researchers at Mt Sinai Icahn School of Medicine gave EKGs … Read more

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, says new study

Eating full fat milk or cheese twice a day could REDUCE your risk of heart disease, new study suggests Two helpings of full fat dairy products can lower the risk of heart disease Foods such as yogurt and milk can reduce the chances of diabetes and obesity The research was conducted by scientists at McMaster … Read more

People with COVID-19 experience psychiatric problems, study suggests

One in three people infected with coronavirus later suffer symptoms post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including depression and anxiety, a new study suggests.  UK researchers found a third of people hospitalised with coronavirus during previous outbreaks went on to develop PTSD after an average of almost three years.  One in four people hospitalised with COVID-19 also … Read more

Hurricanes are getting faster and more dangerous due to climate change, study claims

Hurricanes are getting faster and more dangerous due to climate change – with wind speeds of over 115mph 15 per cent more likely than 40 years ago Researchers examined 40 years of hurricane and climate data for their study They found the maximum sustained wind speed was up 8 per cent per decade  The team … Read more

Study shows that having new and diverse experiences is the ‘key to happiness’

Variety IS the spice of life: Study shows the ‘key to happiness’ is visiting more places and having new and diverse experiences GPS signal from phones of 132 participants was tracked by researchers in the US They found those visiting more places reported higher levels of happiness More experiences were associated with activity in brain … Read more

People who make major life decisions on the toss of a coin end up happier, study says

People who make major life decisions including whether to move, adopt or propose on the toss of a coin end up happier, study says Research has found that making a decision on a coin flip could lead to happiness Villain Two-Face used the method to determine matters in the Batman movies   The study found that … Read more

Children are rarely the first person to bring coronavirus into the home says Australian study

Children are responsible for bringing just eight per cent of coronavirus cases into households suggesting that pupils could safely return to school, finds Australian study. A study by Dr Kirsty Short at the University of Queensland found that children are far less likely to trigger an outbreak of covid-19 within their household than they are to … Read more