Chris Whitty reassures the public the vaccines should still work against the mutant strain

The Chief Medical Officer last night reassured the public that vaccines should still be effective against the new ‘mutant’ strain taking hold across Britain – amid signs the game-changing Oxford jab will soon be approved. Providing positive news on a grim day in the fight against coronavirus, Professor Chris Whitty said there were no indications … Read more

New Covid strain caused a 200% spike in infections in a week

The draconian new restrictions imposed last night were drawn up after the number of people carrying the coronavirus more than trebled in a week. The rapid rise in areas which were last night plunged into new tier 4 measures is said to be down to a new virus strain, which was first announced on Monday. … Read more

Q&A: Does the mutant strain of coronavirus make you more ill – and will the vaccine still work?

WHAT IS THE NEW STRAIN – AND WHAT IS IT CALLED? A strain is a version of a virus that carries particular genetic mutations. This new strain is a version of Sars-Cov-2, the coronavirus which causes the disease Covid-19, which makes it more contagious than others in circulation.  It’s been named VUI-202012/01 which is code … Read more

UK fights new coronavirus strain that is more contagious

President Donald Trump has slammed the UK’s decision to impose new lockdown restrictions ahead of Christmas after a dangerous new strain of the coronavirus was detected in England.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday announced London and parts of southeast England will go into ‘Tier 4 lockdown’ – the highest level of the UK’s coronavirus … Read more

Chris Whitty confirms new Covid strain IS more contagious

Chris Whitty confirms new Covid strain IS more contagious but there is NO evidence it is more deadly or resistant to vaccine after cases soar in Kent and South East Chris Whitty said variant does ‘spread more quickly’ than previouse strains But stressed there is nothing to suggest it is more deadly or resistant to … Read more

New Covid strain has 17 mutations, scientist say

The new strain of coronavirus spreading through Britain has a ‘striking’ amount of mutations, scientists have claimed. Members of the UK’s Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK), who have been investigating the evolved strain, say they have uncovered 17 alterations, which they described as ‘a lot’. Many of the changes have occurred on the virus’s spike … Read more

Matt Hancock blames new strain of coronavirus for surging cases in London and the South East

A mutated strain of coronavirus may be the culprit behind a rapid surge in infections in London and the South East of England, Matt Hancock suggested today. UK experts have so far identified more than 1,000 confirmed cases of the variant, called VUI – 202012/01, the Health Secretary told the House of Commons today. There have … Read more

Home working could be giving you a sore throat by forcing you to raise or strain your voice

Working from home is giving people a sore throat, scientists claim, and it is caused by having to continuously raise and strain voices during Zoom meetings.   Researchers from Trinity, College Dublin surveyed 1,575 people on times they have suffered from a hoarse voice or vocal tract discomfort since coronavirus lockdown. More people began working from … Read more

Covid-19: South Australia strain ‘spreads FIVE TIMES quicker’

A strain of Covid-19 behind an outbreak in South Australia may be spreading up to five times quicker than normal, officials fear. Concerned health bosses say the incubation period — how long it takes for someone to show symptoms after getting infected — was ‘very very short’.  Professor Nicola Spurrier, chief health officer for South … Read more

Boris Johnson refuses to rule out foreign aid cut to help ease ‘huge strain’ on public finances

Boris Johnson today signalled his intention to slash Britain’s foreign aid budget to help the nation’s domestic finances – as he agreed to pump billions more into the Armed Forces. The Prime Minister declined to reject reports  of plans to slash the UK’s commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of national income on overseas aid … Read more