Walmart’s anti-shoplifting tech slammed by staff as ‘fake AI’

A group of anonymous Walmart workers have raised concerns about the anti-shoplifting technology used to monitor the company’s self-checkout kiosks. A group that calls themselves ‘Concerned Home Office Associates’ has circulated a video documenting the system’s flaws, including frequent failures to identify unscanned items, and incorrectly identifying personal items potentially shoplifted. In an email sent … Read more

‘Hundreds’ of NHS Test and Trace staff are being let go after being left with nothing to do 

‘Hundreds’ of NHS Test and Trace staff are being let go after being left with nothing to do Allegedly hundreds of staff with nothing to do are being let go after only a week Call-handlers have been earning up to £27-a-day but many have made no calls The Test and Trace app may not work … Read more

NHS bosses slam Matt Hancock for ‘rushed’ decision to make hospital staff wear masks

Medics and NHS bosses slam Matt Hancock for ‘rushed’ decision to make hospital staff wear masks and say they were not consulted Backlash over TV announcement that all NHS staff must wear masks on premises Health Secretary Matt Hancock is accused of failing to warn hospitals of change  But experts say that there is good … Read more

Moment NHS staff applaud man who clapped outside hospital for 40 days of Covid crisis

Now we clap for YOU! Moment NHS staff applaud man who clapped outside hospital for 40 days of Covid crisis so he ‘realises how many people he’s helped’ Colin Wilkinson clapped for 40 days straight in supports of NHS staff workers  Mr Wilkinson greeted staff as they began work at Basildon hospital, Essex  Hundreds turned … Read more

Small family-run pest control firm won £108m contract to procure PPE for frontline NHS staff

A family-run pest control company that employs just 16 people was awarded a £108million contract to supply the NHS with PPE at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, it has emerged. PestFix, which has net assets of £18,000, received the large contract in April when the Government was under increasing pressure to meet the demand … Read more

Matt Hancock introduces mandatory face coverings in hospital for medics, staff add outpatients

Face masks will be compulsory for ALL hospital staff and visitors and outpatients must wear homemade coverings from June 15 Move for hospitals follows similar announcement for public transport last night Medical and non-,medical staff will have to wear surgical masks at all times Visors and outpatients will be required to wear home-made coverings or similar Here’s how … Read more

Hairdressers could reopen this month with staff wearing dentist-style masks and gloves

Hairdressers could reopen this month with staff wearing dentist-style masks and gloves as part of drive to kick-start Britain’s economy Hair salons and barbers could reopen with non-essential shops on June 15 Ministers are said to be considering reopening earlier than original July plan  Dept for Business is said to be drawing up plans to … Read more

Three Scotland Yard staff have died from Covid in last two months

Three Scotland Yard staff have died from Covid in last two months of crisis, reveals Met Police chief Cressida Dick Three Metropolitan Police staff are believed to have died from coronavirus Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick revealed figure to London Assembly meeting There have been 100 incidents of Scotland Yard staff being assaulted where coronavirus was … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Seven staff at one primary school test positive

Seven members of staff at the same primary school have tested positive for coronavirus, as thousands of pupils returned to the classroom across the country today.  Arboretum Primary School, in Derby, has been closed following the positive tests, with the staff members, who have mild symptoms, now recovering at home. The school is believed to … Read more

Facebook staff disagree publicly over refusal to censor Trump

Dozens of Facebook employees have staged a walkout and senior Facebook employees have publicly criticized their boss Mark Zuckerberg over his decision not to take down incendiary posts by Donald Trump. The employees, who took the day off by logging into Facebook’s systems and requesting time off to support protesters across the country, also added … Read more