Coronavirus UK: SEWAGE analysis may be used to track spread

The Government is considering testing sewage to track the size of the coronavirus outbreak in Britain, it has been revealed.   Defra confirmed it is conferring with scientists about whether wastewater can help trace the spread of the deadly infection. It could become part of the government’s next phase of the COVID-19 battle plan to test, track … Read more

New Mexico closes roads in Gallup to curb ‘uninhibited spread of COVID-19’

New Mexico’s Governor has issued a three-day emergency order in the city of Gallup where roads will be sealed off and businesses closed during peak hours in a desperate bid to stop a surging coronavirus outbreak. On Friday Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham invoked the state’s Riot Control Act to ban all traffic in Gallup for … Read more

Oklahoma mall reopens for the first time since March with restrictions to prevent spread of COVID-19

The new normal: Oklahoma mall opens for the first time in more than a month with masked shoppers, socially distanced dining and taped-off bathroom sinks The Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has reopened for the first time since March with restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus The mall opened Friday to … Read more

GIF shows how a cough on an airplane can spread the deadly coronavirus through the whole cabin 

A terrifying video shows exactly how coughing on an airplane can spread the deadly coronavirus through a cabin. The visualisation was created by Purdue University, Indiana, a few years ago to show how coronavirus pathogens travel far further than expected. It shows how saliva droplets from one cough cause an initial plume of germs, which … Read more

Air conditioning systems in Nightingale-style hospitals ‘could help spread coronavirus’

The ventilation systems installed in large, open-plan buildings — such as the coronavirus-specific Nightingale hospitals — may be helping the virus linger in the air for longer, posing an increased risk to the frontline NHS heroes working there.  University of Cambridge academics studied how pre-existing air conditioning systems in large buildings affect the distribution of … Read more

SPITTING could be banned in football when sport returns in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus

SPITTING could be banned in football when sport returns in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus as FIFA’s chief medic calls for yellow cards to be handed out for unhygienic behaviour Players could be booked by referees should they spit when football returns Scientists warn that coronavirus could be spread by saliva on … Read more

High doses of vitamin D help stop colorectal cancer’s spread for a year

Extra vitamin D may slow the growth of colorectal cancer, a new study suggests.  On average, cancer stopped in its tracks for 13 months for patients on the highest dose of the vitamin supplement (4,000 IU), and for 11 months for those on the over-the-counter dose. Rates of colorectal cancer have been soaring in recent … Read more

Second patient DIES of mystery virus in China amid growing fears the lethal outbreak may spread

A second person has died from coronavirus in China amid fears the lethal outbreak may spread globally, officials have said. The 69-year-old man, named only as Xiong, died in the early hours of January 15 at Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan city. He had been admitted to hospital on December 31 with symptoms of the virus, … Read more

Government to tell Brits to wear facemasks at work in shops and in public to stop coronavirus spread

Britons will soon be told to wear masks at work, in shops and on public transport in a new move to stop the spread of coronavirus, it was claimed today.  The Government’s top scientific experts met on Tuesday to discuss the issue of masks and are expected to issue new guidance as soon as this … Read more

Government to send coronavirus testing kits to 20,000 British households to trace spread of disease

A new study is being launched by the Government to track the spread of coronavirus in the population and get a full picture of the number of infections. It is hoped the research will help scientists understand the current rate of infection in the UK and how many people have developed antibodies to the virus.  Some … Read more