America’s first settlers arrived with dogs in tow from Asia some 15,000 years ago, study reveals

The first people to settle in the Americas some 15,000 years ago traveled from northeast Asia and were accompanied by canine companions, a new study reveals. A team of international researches examined at a trove of archaeological and genetic records of ancient people and dogs and found both had traveled together west into the rest … Read more

The truth about the Lost Colony of Roanoke: Author tells how Croatoan tribe befriended the settlers

The Lost Colony of Roanoke has been an unsolved American mystery for centuries, but to Scott Dawson it was not the English settlers who went missing, it was the Croatoan tribe who helped them that did.  Dawson, an author and hobby archaeologist, has spent nearly a decade searching for proof that the group integrated with … Read more

Writings reveal settlers of the Lost Colony of Roanoke DID integrate with local tribe

It is one of America’s oldest unsolved mysterious, but a hobby archaeologist believes to have uncovered the truth behind the Lost Colony of Roanoke. In 1587 a group of English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island to start a new life, but three years later more than 100 of the colonists vanished – leaving only the … Read more

Native Americans reached Polynesia around 1200AD and colonised the area BEFORE European settlers

Native Americans from modern-day Colombia reached Polynesia around 1200 AD on a Kon-Tiki-like voyage, colonising the area before Europeans reached Easter Island. Researchers from the US and Mexico used large-scale genetic analyses to show that modern-day Polynesian populations contain traces of Native American DNA. Statistical analysis revealed that prehistoric Polynesian populations first met and interbred … Read more

Lost Colony of Roanoke settlers may have integrated with tribe

In 1587 a group of English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island to start a new life, but three years later more than 100 of the colonists vanished – sparking one of America’s oldest unsolved mysteries. Now, some 400 years later, archaeologists have stumbled upon evidence that sheds light on their disappearance. Scott Dawson, a native … Read more

Settlers of the Lost Colony of Roanoke may integrated with the Croatoan tribe on Hatteras Island

In 1587 a group of English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island to start a new life, but three years later more than 100 of the colonists vanished – sparking one of America’s oldest unsolved mysterious. Now, some four hundred years later, archaeologists have stumbled upon evidence that sheds light on their disappearance. Scott Dawson, a … Read more