Cartilage is created from scratch with a 3D printer by scientists 

Hope for patients with painful joints as artificial cartilage is created from scratch with a 3D printer by scientists Scientists made a liquid resin out of polymers which good shock absorbers  The used this liquid resin to 3D print a lattice structure to mimic cartilage   It has properties similar to real cartilage and could be used … Read more

Invasive animals brought into protected areas by humans put native species at risk

Non-native ‘alien’ species introduced by humans to an area near to a protected wildlife site are destroying natural habitats and killing local species, study warns. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science and University College London found that protected areas across the globe were at risk from these ‘alien’ species. The team say the majority … Read more

UK government may pay drivers up to £6,000 to replace petrol and diesel cars with electric vehicles

UK government may pay drivers up to £6,000 to replace their petrol and diesel cars with electric vehicles in a bid to kickstart economic recovery as coronavirus lockdown measures ease The plans are reportedly being considered for announcement on July 6, 2020 ‘Cash for clunkers’ could help with aims to phase out fossil fuel car … Read more

Elon Musk says SpaceX’s Starship rocket is ‘top priority’ from now on 

Elon Musk has said SpaceX’s Starship rocket that could one day carry humans to Mars is the company’s ‘top priority’ from now on. In a company email, Musk urged SpaceX employees to accelerate progress on Starship ‘dramatically and immediately’, a week after its historic first crewed mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The launch … Read more

NASA gives Northrop Grumman $187 MILLION to design Moon Gateway module

NASA has awarded a $187 million contract to Northrop Grumman to build a crew module that astronauts will stay in before landing on the Moon. Known as the habitation and logistics outpost (HALO), it will be the size of a small flat and form part of the Lunar Gateway, a small space station that will … Read more

Ex-astronaut Kathy Sullivan dives to lowest point on Earth, Challenger Deep 

Former NASA astronaut and geologist Kathy Sullivan has become the first woman to dive to lowest point on Earth, known as Challenger Deep, inside the Mariana Trench. Sullivan, 68, emerged from the submersible DSV Limiting Factor (LF) on Sunday, which performed a successful expedition at more than 35,000 feet below the ocean’s surface.  LF, built … Read more

Flamingos with bright pink plumage are more likely to fight over food than their paler rivals

Flush of aggression: Flamingos with bright pink plumage are more likely to fight over food than their paler rivals, study shows Researchers studied the behaviour of lesser pink flamingos during feeding time They found the brighter feathered birds were more aggressive than paler birds This was particularly true during feeding time and if food was … Read more

Britain is dividing into three tribes as coronavirus lockdown restrictions are relaxed 

More than ten weeks into the nation’s coronavirus lockdown and the British public is dividing into three distinct tribes as restrictions are relaxed, a study has found. According to King’s College London experts, feelings towards COVID-19 and the government’s response is leaving people either trusting, dissenting or frustrated. Unlike the the largely united stance seen … Read more

People really DO want to be kind to each other even if it costs them something, a new study reveals

Some Americans may have lost hope for humanity amid the death of George Floyd, but a new study reveals not all is lost, as people really do want to be kind to each other. Researchers found that people overwhelmingly choose to be generous to others, even if it is at the cost of themselves and … Read more

Searches on Twitter for the term ‘racist’ surface President Donald Trump’s name as the top result

Searches on Twitter for the term ‘racist’ are surfacing President Donald Trump’s name as the top result under ‘accounts’ Searches for ‘racist’ on Twitter surface the account of President Donald Trump  Twitter its algorithm links terms commonly associated with accounts The phenomenon comes as Trump and Twitter go toe-to-toe By James Pero For Published: 23:19 BST, … Read more