Eton College loses HALF its Oxbridge offers as universities try to boost intake from state schools

Eton College loses HALF its Oxbridge offers as top universities try to boost intake from state schools Oxford and Cambridge universities have reduced Eton intake from 99 to 48 The universities have boosted their intake of state school-educated students An Etonian parent said the school has ‘taken its eye off the ball’ with admissions  By … Read more

Symptom-tracking app predicts Covid prevalence will fall to 85,000 infected on day schools re-open

Coronavirus cases will tumble to a total of 85,000 symptomatic infections on the day schools are set to unbolt their gates, a symptom-tracking app has predicted, with daily cases plummeting to levels not seen since last June. The ZOE Covid-19 Symptom Study said there will be 3,373 cases a day by March 8 – the … Read more

Melbourne to start five day hard lockdown TONIGHT with shops and schools closed

Supermarkets in Victoria were packed on Friday afternoon as residents rushed to stock up on supplies ahead of a five-day coronavirus lockdown.  Panicked mums and dads raced to Coles and Woolworths to get their hands on food and essential supplies as shelves were stripped bare, prompting product limits for items including toilet paper, milk and … Read more

Covid UK: Boris Johnson under pressure to reopen schools on 8 March

Boris Johnson last night moved to reassure Tory MPs he is still targeting a March 8 start for the easing of the lockdown – as Government scientists warned restrictions may have to continue for months. Downing Street sources said there was ‘categorically no change’ to the Prime Minister’s ambition to start the reopening of schools … Read more

Konnie Huq: Home school’s hard enough when you DO have devices so let’s help the families who don’t

Brace yourselves!’, ‘Eeeek’, ‘Help!’, ‘Oh no… not again!’ read the messages on school WhatsApp feeds across the country when the news broke. It was December 19, a Saturday – the first Saturday of the school Christmas holidays to be precise – and as parents tucked their kids into bed that evening, excited for the Christmas … Read more

Mail Force buys £1m of laptops: Boost for schools as charity places order for 5,000 new computers

Mail Force yesterday struck a mammoth £1million deal for new computers for lockdown pupils. The laptops will go to 5,000 of Britain’s most needy schoolchildren and will arrive in several batches over two weeks – starting on Monday. The landmark moment has come thanks to Daily Mail readers who have donated so generously, along with … Read more

Experts claim Boris Johnson being ‘overcautious’ on reopening schools

Boris Johnson is being ‘overcautious’ by sticking to his plan to reopen schools in England on March 8 at the earliest, Government scientific advisers have claimed. Some of the experts advising ministers believe ‘there really isn’t a case for keeping all kids off until March 8’ due to the success of the vaccination drive and … Read more

Now Wales says it will join Scotland in reopening schools after the half-term break on February 22

Boris Johnson was coming under increasing pressure to speed up the reopening of English schools today as Wales confirmed its intention to restart some primary classes after the February half term. Welsh health minister Vaughan Gething confirmed that some of the youngest age groups would go back to school from February 22 under a similar … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson faces new Tory rebellion over schools

Boris Johnson faces new Tory rebellion over schools: PM resists mounting pressure to reopen classrooms across England as research shows Oxford jab cuts Covid transmission by two-thirds Conservative MPs want to accelerate reopening of schools in England Scotland is reopening primary schools after half-term on February 22 This is raising concerns that English pupils risk … Read more

Boris Johnson insists schools WON’T open before March 8

Boris Johnson tonight refused to bow to growing Tory pressure to bring forward the reopening of schools in England as he said he intends to ‘stick’ to his date of March 8 at the earliest for a return to classrooms.  The Prime Minister warned that reopening schools too soon could force the country ‘into reverse’ … Read more