Panicking crew battled to save stricken live export ship as stormy China sea poured into the vessel

Moments from doom: Water is seen pouring into Gulf Livestock 1 ship before it capsized and sank with 43 crew – as some of the 5,800 cows on board are found floating in the seaboard  Panicked crew of Gulf Livestock One battled to save ship as seawater poured into vessel A body is found in … Read more

Council tells furious tenants repainting their houses colour of ‘baby poo’ will help save the planet

A council has been labelled a ‘bully’ after telling furious residents that repainting their houses the colour of ‘baby poo’ will help save the planet, and threatening a widow who tried to paint over the colour with a £1,600 fine. Hounslow Council claims that by painting the houses the colour reminiscent of a baby’s nappy, … Read more

Tricks to save on your clicks: £3 in every £10 is now spent online

Online shopping is booming, with £3 in every £10 spent over the internet.  But how can you be sure you are getting the best possible price? Here Money Mail shares eight tricks to help you track down the top deals. Abracadabra: Our eight spending tricks will have you saving on your online shopping Hunt online … Read more

Offsetting your mortgage will save you more than you’d earn with banks

Starved savers struggling to find a decent return may be better off using their cash to reduce their mortgage bills instead. Savings rates have hit a record low after halving during lockdown, with all the big banks now paying out just 0.01 per cent on easy-access accounts. Anyone seeking a home for a sizeable sum … Read more

Rishi’s grants for furloughed employees won’t save jobs, warn bosses 

Chancellor’s £1,000 grants won’t save jobs, warn bosses as firms are forced to contribute to wages of furloughed staff for the first time By Lucy White For The Daily Mail Published: 21:50 BST, 31 August 2020 | Updated: 21:50 BST, 31 August 2020 Business leaders have warned that the Chancellor’s job retention bonuses will not … Read more

Gun test shows new body armour may NOT save the lives of Britain’s police

The lives of Britain’s elite soldiers and police officers could be at risk from inadequate new body armour, a safety test carried out for The Mail on Sunday has revealed. Safety experts said the result of our experiment on the lightweight polyethylene chest plates, increasingly being rolled out among Special Forces, Royal protection teams and … Read more

Rescuers save windsurfer after resident spots him while looking through a telescope from house

Rescuers save windsurfer ten miles from land after resident spots him in trouble while looking through a telescope from their house The resident in Anstruther, Fife, dialled 999 and asked for the Coastguard Both RNLI lifeboats from Anstruther were launched to search for the windsurfer   He can be heard in video footage telling his rescuers … Read more

You can save hundreds of pounds by swapping trendy resorts with areas just as nice a few miles away

Slash cost of your staycation by switching to a spot nearby: How you can save hundreds of pounds by swapping trendy resorts with areas just as nice only a few miles away The figures come from a survey by Which? and throw a lifeline to those denied a foreign holiday this year  The biggest saving … Read more

Council chiefs urged to ‘play their part’ to save city centres by getting people back to work

Town halls were last night urged to ‘play their part’ by getting more workers back into offices to rescue city centre shops. A Daily Mail audit of councils suggests only a fraction of staff have returned. Many said up to eight in ten workers will not be expected to return until next year or until … Read more

Dying mother dolphin struggles to save its baby in Mauritius lagoon after oil spill

Dying mother dolphin tries to save its baby by nudging its head above oil-filled water in Mauritius lagoon after tanker ran aground The dolphin calf rolled over onto its side and was filmed floating on the surface Fisherman Yasfeen Heenaye, 31, filmed the mother dolphin trying to save it Mr Heenaye said he saw nearly … Read more