Government scientists forecast another 91,000 deaths if Covid lockdown rules were scrapped in April 

Plans to lift England’s third national lockdown earlier were effectively railroaded by SAGE advisers after a gloomy Imperial College report warned that easing restrictions would lead to a ‘significantly higher’ number of infections and a potential extra 91,000 deaths.  Under an initial scenario, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had planned to reopen outdoor pubs and restaurants, … Read more

Covid UK: Boris Johnson admits more will die when lockdown lifted

Boris Johnson today said Britain must stomach the fact that more people will die when lockdown ends because vaccines are not perfect. The Prime Minister argued there was ‘no credible route’ to a zero Covid world in the long term and that a third wave would happen whenever restrictions are lifted. Laying out his ‘one-way’ … Read more

Boris Johnson admits coronavirus cases, hospital admissions and deaths WILL go up in UK’s third wave

Boris Johnson today said Britain must stomach the fact that more people will die when lockdown ends because vaccines are not perfect. The Prime Minister argued there was ‘no credible route’ to a zero Covid world in the long term and that a third wave would happen whenever restrictions are lifted. Laying out his ‘one-way’ … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Indoor mixing could be reintroduced sooner, SAGE suggests

Could Boris have gone even FURTHER? SAGE’s lockdown-easing plan would have let you meet a friend indoors for Easter with Tier 1-esque policies in April… but they warn a third wave is inevitable and relaxing too quickly could cause another 150,000 deaths By Sam Blanchard Deputy Health Editor and Stephen Matthews Health Editor For Mailonline … Read more

Sage member calls for children to get Covid jab ‘as fast as we can’ to avoid ‘risk of a resurgence’

A senior government advisor has said children should be vaccinated quickly to prevent ‘a significant risk of resurgence’ when the country emerges out of lockdown.  Professor John Edmunds, an adviser to the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, said that until ‘everyone’, including children, was jabbed, a ‘significant risk of a resurgence’ remained.  He told … Read more

Covid UK: SAGE predicts daily deaths will halve to 200 by mid-March

Pressure is mounting on Boris Johnson to ease lockdown significantly in the coming weeks after No10’s scientific advisers projected daily coronavirus deaths could be slashed to 200 in England by mid-March.  In a huge boost to Britain’s lockdown-ending ambitions, modelling by the SAGE subgroup SPI-M-O found the daily death target could be hit by March … Read more

Daily Covid deaths to be slashed by more than half to 200 by mid-March, SAGE predicts

Pressure is mounting on Boris Johnson to ease lockdown significantly in the coming weeks after the Government’s scientific advisers projected daily coronavirus deaths could be slashed to 200 in England by mid-March.  In a huge boost to Britain’s lockdown-ending ambitions, modelling by the SAGE subgroup SPI-M-O found the daily death target could be hit by … Read more

Covid outbreaks have shrunk in all but TWO areas of England, Public Health England report reveals

Britain’s coronavirus outbreak has plummeted to its lowest levels since September — before the second wave spiralled out of control, official data revealed today.  Department of Health bosses recorded 12,057 new infections, marking a 10.6 per cent drop from last Thursday. Another 454 deaths were also announced, a 33 per cent fall on last week.  … Read more

Dominic Cummings wanted Boris Johnson to SCRAP Sage after raging at leaks by pro-lockdown scientists

Dominic Cummings wanted Boris Johnson to SCRAP the Sage committee after raging at leaks by pro-lockdown scientists amid fears some of them were using their position to push for tougher restrictions The PM was encouraged to act against Sage over concerns that some of the group’s experts were using their roles to publicly push for … Read more