Boris reveals ALL travel corridors will be suspended from 4am Monday

Boris Johnson today declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a Downing Street briefing, the PM warned it was ‘not the time to relax’ as he escalated controls at the country’s borders again. Amid … Read more

Boris is urged to seize on UK curbing Covid surge by DOUBLING jabs target

Boris Johnson was urged to double his target for 14million vaccinations by mid-February today amid signs brutal lockdowns have finally started to curb the coronavirus outbreak. The PM is facing demands to take advantage of the space created by the brutal restrictions as figures showed the number of jabs being administered is rocketing over 290,000 … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Overflow morgue for 1,300 bodies is built at Britain’s third-biggest crematorium

An overflow mortuary costing £4million has now been set up at Britain’s third biggest crematorium to provide an extra 20 per cent capacity for bodies in London, following the country’s worst day for coronavirus deaths.  The storage units in large temporary structures at Breakspear Crematorium in Ruislip, West London, can hold up to 1,300 bodies … Read more

Sadiq Khan says Londoners have not had enough Covid jabs after capital gets just a tenth of doses

The Mayor of London has complained that only a tenth of vaccines distributed across the UK have been given to people in the capital. Sadiq Khan said he is ‘hugely concerned’ about the amount of Londoners who have been given the vaccine despite it making up 13% of UK population. He called on vaccine minister … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘delays tougher lockdown’ as Covid cases flatten

England could escape tougher lockdown measures for now after science chief Patrick Vallance suggested the current measures are ‘enough’ to control the mutant Covid strain and Neil Ferguson pointed to a ‘plateau’ in hospital admissions. Boris Johnson is set to hold off tightening the rules despite soaring deaths and Nicola Sturgeon imposing extra curbs in … Read more

Covid UK: Patrick Vallance says death rate won’t ‘reduce quickly’

Britain is in for a ‘pretty grim period’ for Covid deaths which won’t fall for ‘some weeks’, the Government’s top scientist warned today – after the UK recorded its deadliest day yet with 1,564 confirmed fatalities.  Department of Health figures show the daily laboratory-confirmed death toll has risen 50 per cent week-on-week, with data suggesting the … Read more

Sadiq Khan says 10,000 Londoners have now died of Covid-19

Sadiq Khan today lamented a ‘heartbreaking’ coronavirus milestone as it was confirmed more than 10,000 Londoners have fallen victim to the virus. The latest data from Public Health England shows a total of 10,353 people in London have died within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.  A further 7,606 people across the capital are currently … Read more

Covid UK: Boris Johnson says ‘early signs’ show lockdown is working

Boris Johnson today hailed ‘early’ signs that the brutal lockdown is bringing coronavirus under control – but refused to rule out tightening the rules further.  The premier insisted the measures in England were being kept ‘under constant review’ as Keir Starmer demanded to know why they were looser than last spring despite cases being higher. … Read more

Priti Patel tackles the woke police chiefs who let mobs tear down statues

Priti Patel is planning to launch a ‘power grab’ against woke police chiefs and ‘failing’ police and crime commissioners, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The Home Secretary will this month present the recommendations of her review into the powers of PCCs, which will include looking at the police’s ‘operational independence’. It is understood the … Read more

Hundreds of cancer operations are cancelled in London as hospitals are inundated with Covid patients

Hundreds of cancer operations in London are being cancelled as the city is inundated with Covid patients, according to reports.  Mayor Sadiq Khan today declared a major incident with a stark warning that the capital’s hospitals would run out of beds – as the number of people infected with coronavirus reached one person in 30 … Read more