Self-isolation times to rise: Stay at home rule could be up to 10 days amid fears of a summer wave 

People who test positive for coronavirus are be told to stay at home for ten days – up from the current seven-day self-isolation period. The change – which also applies to anyone who has symptoms – comes amid fears of a surge in infections in the coming weeks. The Daily Mail revealed yesterday how Boris … Read more

Self-isolation times to rise: Stay at home rule could be up to 14 days amid fears of a summer wave 

Self-isolation times to rise: Stay at home rule could be up to 14 days amid fears of a summer wave People who test positive for coronavirus could need to self-isolate for longer Ministers expected to extend seven-day period to 14 days in line with quarantine Boris Johnson said to be ‘extremely concerned’ about possibility of second … Read more

Grieving family slam ‘crazy’ new Spanish quarantine rule as they try to bring home body of father

A grieving  family has blasted the Government’s hastily-ordered new quarantine rules which throws their plans to repatriate the body of a loved one and organise his funeral into turmoil. The ‘crazy’ regulations have a devastating impact on the Mortiboys, who returned from Spain today after travelling there to bid an agonising farewell to a family member … Read more

Moana Hope slams Victorian Premier and is furious over strict new hospital rule

AFLW star Moana Hope SLAMS Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews over the strict new hospital rule for mothers and their partners after giving birth By Jessamy Tredinnick For Daily Mail Australia Published: 11:07 BST, 23 July 2020 | Updated: 11:08 BST, 23 July 2020 Former AFLW star Moana Hope has slammed premier Daniel Andrews for the … Read more

Quarantine rule caused seven per cent drop in passengers flying in to Heathrow

Heathrow bosses say Government’s quarantine rule caused seven per cent drop in arrivals – part of a 95 per cent fall in business compared to 2019 Heathrow said passenger numbers were down 95 per cent year-on-year in June   Airport claims it saw seven per cent drop in travellers after restrictions imposed  Total passenger numbers for … Read more

Taking vitamin D supplements WON’T protect you from Covid-19, UK health chiefs rule

There is no evidence taking vitamin D supplements will protect people from Covid-19, according to British health officials.  NHS regulator the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) reviewed five past studies on the subject to work out if the vitamin could help. An array of research has found people deficient in the vitamin … Read more

Vladimir Putin is set to win referendum vote that will allow him to rule Russia until 2036

Concern is rising over election fraud in Vladimir Putin‘s controversial constitutional referendum which would allow him to rule Russia until the age of 83 in 2036. Pictures show Russians voting in bizarre makeshift polling stations on tree stumps, in car boots, at children’s playgrounds and on park benches as the poll goes ahead during the pandemic. … Read more

Rail union warns of national strike unless 2m rule kept on trains

The Prime Minister has announced a series of changes to the lockdown in England from July 4. Here is how the alterations will affect people’s lives: Do we have to keep to being two metres apart? No. For people not from the same household it is now ‘one metre-plus’. The ‘plus’ element is what the … Read more

Rail union warns of national strike unless two metre rule is kept on public transport 

A rail union leader is warning of a national strike unless the Government gives ‘unequivocal assurances’ that the social distancing rules across the transport network will remain at two metres. The Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) said the Government’s own review into the social distancing guidance clearly states that public transport presents a high risk … Read more

Two-metre rule HALVED to let people meet indoors and stay OVERNIGHT from July 4

Boris Johnson today dramatically unwound the coronavirus lockdown, declaring that pubs, haircuts and weddings can return and giving family and friends the green light to meet up indoors for the first time in months. Throwing the dice to save the stricken economy, the PM told the Commons that bars, restaurants, cinemas and hairdressers can get … Read more