Dead Russian satellite and discarded Chinese rocket avoid ‘very high risk’ collision

There is no indication of an out-of-commission Russian satellite and a discarded Chinese rocket colliding in orbit. LeoLabs, a firm that tracks space debris, identified the two craft this week, which had just a 10 percent chance of smashing into each other. Russian Kosmos-2004 was seen moving towards the southern poles and the Chinese Change … Read more

Holding GCSE resits next month could pose ‘public health risk’ with campuses forced to shut

Holding GCSE resits next month could pose ‘public health risk’ with entire campuses forced to shut down to accommodate large numbers of students, college leaders warn Association of Colleges say some colleges expecting 500 students to sit exams Chief executive David Hughes has ‘serious concerns’ about potential public risks For many colleges it will result in closure … Read more

Covid study: Risk of coronavirus exposure on commercial United aircraft ‘virtually non-existent’

Risk of coronavirus exposure on commercial aircraft ‘virtually non-existent’ – even if they’re FULL – according to a Department of Defense study carried out on United planes It’s claimed the study is the ‘most comprehensive on cabin airflow done to date’  Tests were conducted over 38 hours of flight time and 45 hours on the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: London Tier Two lockdown is putting ‘250,000 hospitality jobs at risk’ 

What is the difference between Tier One and Tier Two?  TIER ONE  Normal social distancing should be followed. Face masks on public transport and in shops etc. Rule of Six on gatherings indoors and outdoors, and 10pm curfew on pubs.   TIER TWO The Tier One rules still apply.  In addition, households are banned from mixing … Read more

Dead Russian satellite and discarded Chinese rocket are at ‘very high risk’ of colliding in orbit

Dead Russian satellite and discarded Chinese rocket are at ‘very high risk’ of colliding in orbit this week and could release thousands of new space junk pieces A defunct Russian rocket and dead Chinese rocket are floating in orbit The two appear to be on separate paths that could meet Thursday evening  Experts are concerned that … Read more

Women aged under 50 are more at risk than men of suffering a fatal heart attack, new study suggests

Women aged under 50 are more at risk than men of suffering a fatal heart attack, new study suggests Women under 50 who suffer heart attacks are more likely to die within 11 years  Study found women were less likely to receive treatments and drugs in hospital They were 60 per cent more likely to … Read more

Babies of depressed mums ‘face bigger risk of asthma’

Babies of depressed mums ‘face bigger risk of asthma’: Pregnant women who suffer mental health issues such as anxiety may give birth to children with greater chance of developing asthma, study finds Children aged 10 can be almost twice as likely to suffer from asthma   Hormones released by women because of stress may affect their … Read more

Life in 3-tier Britain: Questions answered on rules for Medium, High and Very High risk areas 

The Prime Minister will today divide the country into ‘medium’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ coronavirus alert sectors. The three-tier system comes after a 9.3 percent increase in cases on the previous week, with the north of England having the worst rates of infection. Here the MailOnline outlines what the tiers mean and who they could affect:  … Read more

Risk of coronavirus death in hospital is falling, new figures reveal

The chances of surviving coronavirus after falling critically ill have increased significantly since the pandemic began, data shows. Scientists say improved treatment has seen death rates in the most seriously ill patients fall by almost a third since the peak. The figures have also been helped by more widespread testing picking up a greater number … Read more

Jaeger and Peacocks owner Edinburgh Woollen Mill on the brink of collapse with 24,000 jobs at risk

Jaeger and Peacocks owner Edinburgh Woollen Mill is on the brink of collapse putting 24,000 jobs at risk after sales were hit by lockdown Company owned by billionaire Phillip Day is under threat of collapsing It blamed the strict lockdown and new local measures for business drying up If it goes under it will be … Read more