Covid UK: 5,089 new cases in 8% week-on-week rise as deaths fall 1.5%

Britain today recorded an eight per cent week-on-week rise in Covid cases — even though they are still at levels seen in September before the second wave spiralled out of control. Department of Health bosses posted another 5,089 positive tests and 64 coronavirus victims. Deaths have fallen by just 1.5 per cent on last Monday’s … Read more

Britain records 5,089 Covid cases in 8% week-on-week rise while deaths drop by just 1.5%

Britain today recorded an eight per cent week-on-week rise in Covid cases — even though they are still at levels seen in September before the second wave spiralled out of control. Department of Health bosses posted another 5,089 positive tests and 64 coronavirus victims. Deaths have fallen by just 1.5 per cent on last Monday’s … Read more

Will the private pension age rise from 55 to 57 in April 2028 affect me?

I’m currently 47 and turn 55 on 29 March 2028. I’ve also been heeding the advice of your pensions column over the years and my pension savings pot has now hit the lifetime allowance limit of £1,073,100. tells me that my state pension age is 67. I’m trying to plan for my financial future … Read more

Rise of celebrities having children in their mid-40s is ‘causing a fertility crisis’

Rise of celebrities having children in their mid-40s is ‘causing a fertility crisis’: Older mothers are misleading women into thinking they can conceive naturally well into their fifth decade, says IVF expert Famous older mothers may have relied on donated eggs, said Prof Adam Balen  He said women in late 30s and 40s came to … Read more

Has the pandemic seen a rise of people willing to mend and make-do?

It’s safe to say the last few decades have been filled by a tide of consumerism in the West. Many of us now buy products with little thought and throw them away with little more, mainly thanks to lower prices and higher disposable incomes. We’re on a never ending consuming loop of brand new smartphones … Read more

NHS nurses could get a 3 PER CENT pay rise under No10 peace plans

Nurses could be in line to get a 3 per cent pay rise, following a bitter row about the Government’s proposed 1 per cent deal that unions threatened to strike over. In another potentially embarrassing U-turn for Number 10 during the pandemic, ministers are reportedly considering trebling their original offer.  The 1 per cent pay … Read more

Covid England: Cases rise 2.7% week-on-week as deaths fall 25% to 181

The UK today recorded a small increase in coronavirus cases compared to last week after a huge testing spike following the reopening of England’s schools. Department of Health figures show there were 6,753 positive tests in the past 24 hours — up 2.7 per cent on last Thursday’s figures. Officials are carrying out a record … Read more

Health Minister Nadine Dorries says nurses will understand 1% pay rise

Health Minister Nadine Dorries says nurses will understand 1% pay rise because it helps their ‘husbands or partners’ carry on bringing in a wage via the furlough scheme Nadine Dorries told BBC Woman’s Hour most nurses understand pay rise issue  She said one nurse manager said she would prefer her husband to get furlough  Boris … Read more

Nurses will be given MORE than the 1% pay rise after all: Many staff will get 1.7% increase

Nurses will be given MORE than the 1% pay rise after all: Many staff will get 1.7% increase amid furore over wages following pandemic heroics Many still will get a 1.7 per cent increase to their wages this year thanks to a deal previously agreed by the government The extra 0.7 per cent is the … Read more

Boris Johnson hints on 1% NHS pay rise U-turn and says nurses could be treated ‘exceptionally’

Boris Johnson hints at U-turn on 1% NHS pay rise saying nurses could be treated ‘exceptionally’ as Keir Starmer berates him at PMQs swiping that Dominic Cummings got 40% Boris Johnson berated by Keir Starmer over NHS pay at a bruising PMQs session Labour leader complained at ‘real terms cut’ after the coronavirus pandemic Mr … Read more