Trump agrees to ‘orderly transition’ after his supporters stormed Capitol

Donald Trump has promised an ‘orderly transition’ of power after Joe Biden’s election win was finally certified by Congress – a process delayed by hours after the President’s followers ran riot in the US Capitol, leaving four dead. Trump, who has been temporarily banned from Twitter in the wake of the riot, issued a statement … Read more

Capitol Building stormed by Trump supporters leaving four dead

Four people are dead and dozens have been arrested after Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the US Capitol and clashed with police in a bid to stop Joe Biden’s election victory being certified.  A mob descended on the symbolic home of western democracy after President Trump urged them to do so at a rally outside the … Read more

McConnell says Trump demand to overturn election a ‘poisonous path’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell absolutely shamed his Republican colleagues for mounting challenges to the Electoral College calling it a ‘poisonous path,’ which would put democracy in a ‘death spiral.’   McConnell also made clear that he did not believe there was any evidence of widespread voter fraud, as President Donald Trump has claimed.    ‘We’re debating a … Read more

US Capitol riots: Barack Obama slams Trump for ‘inciting’ violence

Barack Obama weighed in on the descent on the Capitol by thousands of Trump’s supporters, claiming: ‘We’d be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise’ Barack Obama weighed in on the unprecedented breach of Capitol Hill on Wednesday by thousands of Donald Trump’s supporters, claiming the chaos is not surprising based on … Read more

Cabinet members discuss using 25th Amendment to REMOVE Donald Trump

The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution deals with presidential authority in the event of death or removal from office, and was ratified in 1967, in the wake of John F Kennedy’s assassination. What does the 25th Amendment say? It is in four sections, all dealing with the president leaving office during his or her … Read more

US riots: George W Bush and Mitt Romney slam pro-Trump Republicans

Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney lashed out at Donald Trump‘s loyalists in Congress on Wednesday, claiming they are the ones who caused the president’s biggest supporters to storm the Capitol building. ‘It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight,’ the 43rd U.S. president said in a statement Wednesday. ‘This is how election … Read more

US Capitol riots: Mike Pence – not Trump called in National Guard

White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien issued a statement Wednesday praising Vice President Mike Pence as a ‘genuinely fine and decent man’ after President Trump once again went after him. The praise for Pence, which was not otherwise explained, came as President Donald Trump issued bizarre statements asking a mob of supporters who invaded … Read more

Donald Trump is BANNED from Facebook for 24 hours and Twitter for 12 hours

Twitter has suspended Donald Trump‘s account for 12 hours and for the first time deleted his tweets after he praised the mob who stormed Congress and said he ‘loved’ them. YouTube and Facebook also followed suit in removing the posts, with Facebook also blocking Trump from their platform for 24 hours. One of the deleted … Read more

George W. Bush and Mitt Romney claim Republicans who backed Trump CAUSED chaos at Capitol

Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney lashed out at Donald Trump‘s loyalists in Congress on Wednesday, claiming they are the ones who caused the president’s biggest supporters to storm the Capitol building. ‘It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight,’ the 43rd U.S. president said in a statement Wednesday. ‘This is how election … Read more

US Capitol riots: Giuliani demanded ‘trial by combat’ hours earlier

President Donald Trump and his allies rallied with thousands of supporters near the White House Wednesday shortly before Congress was to begin counting the electoral votes that will make Joe Biden the next president. Hours after a humiliating defeat in one Georgia Senate race and the prospect of losing another, Team Trump showed no sign … Read more