Extinction Rebellion protestors could be classified as an ‘organised crime group’

Extinction Rebellion protestors could be classified as an ‘organised crime group’ as Boris Johnson promises to clamp down on climate anarchists with tough new laws.   Some newsagents’ shelves were left empty on Saturday morning after Extinction Rebellion (XR) protesters targeted Newsprinters printing works at Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, and Knowsley, near Liverpool, blocking the day’s papers from … Read more

Boris Johnson slams Extinction Rebellion for ‘attacking free speech’

Boris Johnson has blasted Extinction Rebellion protesters for ‘attacking free speech’ after they blocked the roads outside national newspaper printing presses meaning many did not reach newsagents in time for readers. ‘A free press is vital in holding the government and other powerful institutions to account on issues critical for the future of our country, … Read more

Extinction Rebellion protesters block roads outside national newspaper printing presses

Extinction Rebellion protesters have been accused of ‘attacking the free press’ after they blocked roads outside national newspaper printing presses in a bid to stop titles reaching shops on Saturday. Dozens of demonstrators chained themselves to gates and each other, and parked vehicles in the road outside Newsprinters printing works in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, and blocked … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Rishi Sunak risks Tory rebellion over Budget

Rishi Sunak is facing a Tory rebellion over his Budget as David Davis breaks cover to warn he will vote against the Chancellor’s spending plans if they include tax hikes Rishi Sunak suggested to Tory MPs this week that tax rises are in the pipeline  Chancellor said Government must be ‘honest’ about the challenges UK … Read more

London ambulance on emergency call is caught in Extinction Rebellion traffic jam

An ambulance on an emergency call was today caught in an Extinction Rebellion traffic jam as protesters blocked Parliament in London and tried to storm Cardiff’s new BBC building. Footage shows the response vehicle stuck with its lights flashing at a roundabout on Millbank, Westminster, with no way of getting through. Demonstrators had blocked off … Read more

Extinction Rebellion activists GLUE their hands to pavement outside Parliament in London

Extinction Rebellion activists GLUE their hands to pavement outside Parliament as police haul off more protesters on seventh day of climate chaos in capital after 232 arrests so far New tactic saw protesters blocking entrances to the Houses of Parliament by gluing themselves to cobbles Others chained themselves to a pink slaughterhouse truck by the … Read more

Met Police have so far arrested 160 Extinction Rebellion activists since 3,000 flooded capital

Police hauled away Extinction Rebellion activists lying in the road to block Boris Johnson’s route to Parliament today – as officers announced they’d made 160 arrests since the group began its fortnight of protests on Friday.   The arrests were made for a range of offences including breaching Public Order conditions, obstructing the highway, obstructing police … Read more

Thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists march on London as sun shines

A wheelchair user was moved on by police during Extinction Rebellion protests in London today as at least five activists were arrested at the start of two weeks of large-scale action.   The woman was spoken to by officers while she was blocking a road before being moved away. At one point she was seen lying … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Who needs Extinction Rebellion when we’ve got Grant Shapps? 

Motorists who park on pavements are to be hit with a £70 fine under new rules published by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps. The fixed penalty is designed to stop cars and vans blocking the free movement of wheelchairs, parents pushing buggies and morbidly obese people on mobility scooters making their way back from the chip … Read more

Extinction Rebellion activists hold dinner party in SEA off Essex

Extinction Rebellion activists today dressed up as banshees to protest the construction of a new tunnel that it believes is ‘racist, colonial and unjust’. Eco-warriors rallied outside the TfL headquarters in Stratford, East London, in a show of anger at the forthcoming twin-bore road, which will pass under the Thames from Silvertown to Greenwich. The … Read more