Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’

Priti Patel ‘will end release of potentially dangerous suspects with no bail restrictions’ after 97,000 arrestees including ones accused of rape were let out ‘under investigation’ in three years Priti Patel will stop suspects from being released with no bail restrictions Police will use bail in cases where it is deemed ‘necessary and proportionate’ 2017 … Read more

Priti Patel tackles the woke police chiefs who let mobs tear down statues

Priti Patel is planning to launch a ‘power grab’ against woke police chiefs and ‘failing’ police and crime commissioners, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The Home Secretary will this month present the recommendations of her review into the powers of PCCs, which will include looking at the police’s ‘operational independence’. It is understood the … Read more

Priti Patel refuses to rule out blanket ban on non-essential travel

Priti Patel today refused to rule out a blanket ban on non-essential travel into and out of the UK as ministers scramble to tighten up border controls.  Asked about the idea, the Home Secretary said the government was ‘reviewing measures at the border’ and further announcements would be made in the coming days. Boris Johnson … Read more

UK tourists may be stranded abroad if test-to-fly rule introduced

Thousands of Britons fear being trapped around the globe by the looming threat of a 72-hour test-to-fly rule coming in – as those jetting in today spoke of their disbelief at no regulations yet being in place.  Boris Johnson and his government were accused of ‘dithering in a crisis’ after announcing the regulations, but then … Read more

Where are border Covid tests Boris? PM under fire over plan to demand negative result to enter UK

Boris Johnson was under pressure today to sort out plans to demand people have a negative Covid test result before they enter Britain.  Ministers have indicated that such a requirement is coming in a bid to block any influx of new variants of coronavirus after a South African strain was found in the UK. But … Read more

Boost for Priti Patel as 100,000 people apply for 20,000 police jobs as crime-busting drive begins

Boost for Priti Patel after 100,000 people apply for 20,000 police jobs as Home Secretary steps up crime-busting drive Home Secretary Priti Patel is due to launch a new phase of a crime-busting police recruitment campaign today So far 6,000 police officers have been hired across forces in England and Wales  Police numbers fell by … Read more

Brexit ‘means police and security services can get tougher powers’

Police and security services can have ‘tougher powers’ to keep the country safer now Brexit has happened, says Priti Patel Priti Patel has vowed to toughen up power for security now Brexit is complete Home Secretary said tools in place for keeping country safe thanks for EU deal Stricter entry rules at borders and crackdown … Read more

Priti Patel set to tighten laws so foreign criminals jailed for just six months face deportation

Foreign criminals handed jail sentences as short as six months will be assessed for automatic deportation for the first time under measures being considered by Priti Patel. The Home Secretary is expected to dramatically tighten legislation on kicking out offenders. Since 2007 foreign criminals have only been considered for removal from Britain if they were … Read more

Hundreds of Afghans who risked their lives helping Britain will be allowed to come to UK

Breakthrough for Afghans denied sanctuary in Britain: Hundreds of those who risked their lives helping Britain will be allowed to come to the UK under a new Government scheme Hundreds of Afghans at risk from Taliban will be allowed to relocate to Britain The new scheme will offer relocation to current and ex government employees  This will … Read more

Priti Patel vows to beef up Britain’s borders after Brexit

Priti Patel vows to beef up Britain’s borders after Brexit with ‘firmer’ checks on entry to the UK UK police last year accessed international databases 603 million times  Under Boris Johnson’s Christmas  Brexit deal such access is severely curtailed  Home Secretary Priti Patel  says she will take back control of Britain’s borders She previously wanted … Read more