Coronavirus UK: 120 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

Britain today recorded 880 more coronavirus cases in the highest daily spike for a month amid fears more local lockdowns are ‘unavoidable’ with the outbreak having reached a ‘tipping point’. Department of Health statistics show it is the most amount of infections registered in a day since June 28, when 901 more Britons were diagnosed with … Read more

Ready to sizzle! Britain is set for its hottest day of the year TODAY as temperatures soar to 95F

Britain is set for its hottest day of the year so far today, as temperatures could reach 35C (95F) making it hotter than the Costa del Sol. Disappointed holiday-goers may take some comfort from the scorching temperatures, with many parts of the UK braced to be hotter than mainland Europe. The hot weather will be … Read more

Britain announces another 38 deaths from coronavirus

A further 38 people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in Britain today, bringing the total number of the confirmed deaths during the pandemic to 45,999 today. The Department of Health figures released today revealed 38 died from the virus in England while Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales reported no new deaths.   It was … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 14 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

Britain’s Covid-19 outbreak is still growing as official statistics today revealed daily infections have risen by 12 per cent in a week with the rolling average hitting a four-week high. Department of Health chiefs today announced another 845 people across the UK have tested positive for the life-threatening virus, up from the 767 recorded yesterday … Read more

Britain will bask in 84F heat TODAY before 91F hottest day of the year on Friday

Britain will bask in 84F (29C) heat today before a 91F (33C) hottest day of the year on Friday as temperatures soar to warmer than Barcelona. The mercury will soar for two days, despite showers in some parts this morning, before more rain comes as we move into August. The North of England, Scotland and … Read more

Britain’s coronavirus cases rise 14% in a week as experts urge ministers not to panic

Britain’s coronavirus cases rise have risen 14 per cent in a week — but experts have urged ministers not to panic and say the UK needs to ‘learn to live’ with the disease.   Department of Health chiefs reported an additional 763 cases, taking the total to 300,692. It’s the seventeenth day in a row the seven-day-average … Read more

Pranksters embarrass couple on their first date by sending bubbly with a fizzing sparkler

A couple were left mortified on their first date after their prankster friends sent a bottle of prosecco along with a sparkler to their restaurant table so it looked like the pair were celebrating their engagement.   Neil Harkin, 31, from Derry, Northern Ireland, and Jean McAuley, 31, were left squirming in embarrassment as a waiter … Read more

GPs get ready to give a free flu jab to 30 million people this winter

The biggest immunisation programme of its kind in British history — that’s how the Government has billed its ambitious new flu vaccination plan. Some 30 million people in England are to be offered a free NHS jab this winter, double the number immunised last year, in a bid to prevent the health service collapsing under … Read more

Coronavirus deaths in UK hospitals rise by 10 – the second lowest Sunday increase

Coronavirus deaths in UK hospitals rise by 10 – the second lowest Sunday increase There were nine more fatalities in England, one in Wales – but Scotland had none This is the tenth consecutive day that Scotland has record no coronavirus deaths England patients were aged from 36 and 89, and all had underlying health … Read more

England records 61 more Covid deaths while Scotland reports zero – bringing UK total to 45,738

Another 61 people were today confirmed to have died of Covid-19 in the UK, as Scotland confirmed zero deaths for the ninth day in a row.  NHS England revealed that 25 of today’s victims died in its hospitals, with Scotland recording zero fatalities. It takes the UK’s total number of victims to 45,738. There were 767 positive … Read more