Alex Salmond says his evidence would NOT have been censored at Westminster

Alex Salmond today insisted his evidence about Nicola Sturgeon would not have been censored at Westminster as he suggested the Scottish government is not fit to be independent. In an extraordinary session before a cross-party committee, the former First Minister lashed out at his SNP successor over the handling of harassment allegations against him.  Pointing … Read more

Covid Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon snipes at Boris Johnson strategy

Nicola Sturgeon has taken a swipe at Boris Johnson over his response to the coronavirus crisis as she appeared to back claims that Scotland had done better than England.  Ms Sturgeon tweeted a story published by the Financial Times with the headline ‘Scotland reaps dividend of Covid response that diverged from England’.  The Scottish First … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon snipes at Boris Johnson over Covid response

Nicola Sturgeon has taken a swipe at Boris Johnson over his response to the coronavirus crisis as she appeared to back claims that Scotland had done better than England.  Ms Sturgeon tweeted a story published by the Financial Times with the headline ‘Scotland reaps dividend of Covid response that diverged from England’.  The Scottish First … Read more

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon at war: Scotland’s First Minister mocks ‘conspiracy theory’

Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched a stunning attack on her predecessor Alex Salmond yesterday as an open war erupted between the two big beasts of the SNP. Miss Sturgeon accused her former friend and mentor of creating an ‘alternative reality’ to paint himself as the victim of a conspiracy. She said Mr Salmond peddled … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: How Nicola Sturgeon’s storm troops turned Scotland into a banana republic

These are dark, even dangerous days in Scotland. The stramash between the country’s two most famous politicians, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, has resulted in vital public documents being censored or banned, important information being suppressed, the media cajoled and cowed, the legal system brought into disrepute, the Scottish Parliament neutered and even bloggers being … Read more

The proof Sturgeon ‘lied’ that Scottish prosecutors don’t want you to see

Nicola Sturgeon‘s Scottish government is facing growing accusations of corruption today as civil servants refuse to explain why they censored the most explosive 474 words of Alex Salmond’s testimony that could force the SNP leader to resign. Politicians said the separation of power between prosecutors, the civil service and the SNP had become ‘indistinguishable’ and … Read more

Alex Salmond could be forced to WITHDRAW his bombshell ‘evidence’

The Scottish Parliament has redacted the most damning parts of Alex Salmond’s bombshell evidence against Nicola Sturgeon as the former first minister threatened to cancel his blockbuster testimony before the inquiry into the handling of sexual assault allegations against him tomorrow. Prosecutors had asked for portions of Mr Salmond’s testimony to be redacted because of … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon unveils her lockdown exit roadmap for Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon today unveiled a lockdown exit roadmap for Scotland which will see the stay at home rule lifted and the return of some non-essential shops on April 5.  The Scottish First Minister said her ‘deliberately cautious’ plan will start with more pupils heading back to classrooms on March 15 after a limited reopening of … Read more

Covid lockdown Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon launches rival roadmap

Nicola Sturgeon launches rival lockdown roadmap for Scotland vowing to be even MORE cautious than Boris Johnson with return of regional ‘tiers’ Nicola Sturgeon to set out lockdown exit strategy for Scotland this afternoon Immediate priorities for reopening will be education and more social interaction She has already confirmed that Scotland will return to geographic … Read more

Scotland WILL return to tiers system, says Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon confirms Scotland WILL return to a tiers system of rules when its national lockdown is eased but ministers say Boris Johnson will focus on ‘a gradual reopening of the whole of England’ under his strategy Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed Scotland will return to geographic levels system  The levels system will be re-introduced when … Read more