Nicola Sturgeon says she ‘wanted to cry’ over pictures of pubgoers with no social distancing

Nicola Sturgeon said she ‘wanted to cry’ over pictures of pubgoers gathering with no social distancing at the weekend as 27 cases of coronavirus are linked to one bar in Aberdeen.  SNP MP Stephen Flynn today tweeted two photos he had spotted online of the city centre, where an outbreak took place in The Hawthorn Bar. … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland: 14-day quarantine on Luxembourg arrivals

The government has followed Scotland’s decision to remove Luxembourg from list of travel exemptions for the whole of the UK following a ‘significant change’ in the number of confirmed cases. The Department of Transport say anyone arriving from European country from midnight tonight will need to self-isolate for two weeks. Data from the Joint Biosecurity … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon is accused of using daily Covid briefings as ‘party political broadcasts’

Nicola Sturgeon is using her daily coronavirus press conferences as ‘party political broadcasts’ and a lack of scrutiny of her decisions has allowed her to cultivate a ‘Saint Nicola’ persona in Scotland through the crisis, a leading MSP told MailOnline today. Michelle Ballantyne, Conservative MSP for South Scotland, spoke out as the Prime Minister visited the … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon receives 50th birthday card branding Boris Johnson a ‘first class clown’

Nicola Sturgeon’s husband proudly shows off a birthday card branding Boris Johnson a ‘first class clown’ as Scotland’s First Minister turns 50 Peter Murrell posted a picture on social media showing her birthday cards One showed a caricature of Mr Johnson getting stuck on a zipwire in 2012  Also had the message message: ‘I’ve hired a … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon warns she will ‘not shy away’ from England quarantine

Nicola Sturgeon threatens to make English visitors to Scotland quarantine for two weeks Nicola Sturgeon has warned she will not ‘shy away’ from quarantine on England She has repeatedly refused to rule out imposing restrictions to stop spread Michael Gove insisted a ‘hard border’ would not be a ‘good thing’ for either  By Rachel Watson … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Is Alex Salmond angling to sink rival Nicola Sturgeon? 

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon vowed yesterday to make the case again for independence after the pandemic crisis eases, speaking on BBC1’s The Andrew Marr Show. Always on the media, her personal approval ratings are high and support for Scottish independence at 54 per cent in the latest poll is at a four-year high. … Read more

Michael Gove says face coverings WON’T be mandatory in shops in England

Michael Gove says face coverings WON’T be mandatory in shops in England despite Boris Johnson hinting at the move – and Nicola Sturgeon imposing the rule in Scotland Michael Gove said face coverings will not become compulsory in English shops Cabinet minister insisted the government will ‘trust’ people to do the right thing Boris Johnson … Read more

Calls for clarity on face masks after Boris Johnson said ‘stricter’ approach is needed in England

Boris Johnson has faced calls for clarity on wearing face masks after saying a ‘stricter’ approach is needed in England.  The government is considering following Scotland’s lead by making them mandatory in shops, as experts say indoor environments are ‘much more dangerous’ for airborne transmission.  The Prime Minister is facing mountain calls from Labour and … Read more

Boris Johnson urges people to get back to offices in towns

Boris Johnson will next week tell office workers to start returning to their desks to help save the British economy. The Prime Minister will use an update on virus strategy to press employers to start ordering their staff back to the workplace – if it is safe. He and Chancellor Rishi Sunak are said to … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Ministers ‘dodge wearing face masks in public’

Boris Johnson today hinted face masks will be made compulsory in shops in England – despite never having been seen wearing one himself. The UK government currently recommends measures such as a face covering should be taken if people cannot keep two metres away from each other indoors. However, unlike Scotland – where coverings became compulsory in shops … Read more