Dubai’s ruling family say Princess Latifa ‘being cared for at home by medical professionals’

Dubai’s ruling family have said Princess Latifa is ‘being cared for at home by medical professionals’ – but did not provide proof that she is still alive. It comes after Princess Latifa, the daughter of Dubai’s ruler, released haunting videos saying she was being kept prisoner by her father.  The UN today ordered the UAE … Read more

Curious mouse sniffs a blue viper… who promptly eats it with a flash of its fangs 

That was not going to end well: Curious mouse sniffs a blue viper… who promptly eats it with a flash of its fangs Images capture the dramatic moment a mouse is gobbled up by a blue pit viper in just five minutes The curious rodent is seen sniffing the 27-inch venomous snake, seemingly unaware of … Read more

Police rescue three migrants from inside lorry who were ‘suffocating and struggling to breathe’ 

This is the sealed refrigerated lorry where three migrants were saved from suffocating after calling police to say they were ‘struggling to breathe’.   Cambridgeshire Police said the vehicle, believed to have travelled from France, was tracked along the A14 and the M11 with the help of Essex Police.  ‘Those in the back of the lorry … Read more

Hiker’s dog keeps him alive after he was stranded in the freezing Italian Alps for seven nights 

Hiker’s dog keeps him alive after he broke his ankle and was stranded in the freezing Italian Alps for seven nights The man was hiking with his dog Ash in the mountains in north-eastern Italy The 33-year-old was left stranded in the wild after falling and breaking his ankle The hiker said that Ash had … Read more

Covid UK: Rishi Sunak ‘to use March 3 Budget to EXTEND furlough’

Rishi Sunak will announce at the Budget on March 3 that the Government’s furlough scheme will be extended to the summer, it was claimed today.  The Chancellor is also preparing to prolong a business rates holiday for the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, according to the Financial Times.   A year-long business rates holiday is due … Read more

World’s fattest child unrecognisable after losing more than HALF of his 30-STONE bulk as 11-year-old

The world’s fattest child is now unrecognisable after the schoolboy managed to shed more than half of his body weight. Arya Permana, 14, who weighed an eye-watering 30 stone aged just 11, now weighs an impressive 13 stone and is encouraging others to follow a healthy diet.  The school pupil had baffled doctors five years … Read more

Hair salons will stay shut until at least late April

You can’t cut those lockdown locks until ‘late APRIL’: Hair salons ‘will stay shut until at least then under exit roadmap’ Hair salons will reportedly not benefit from initial relaxation of restrictions Roadmap will see more social mixing allowed within weeks But sources said beauty industry still has ‘some time to go’ before it can … Read more

WWII diary of Home Guard hero details Swansea’s Three Nights’ Blitz

A shocking diary of a man who helped to put out fires during the Nazis’ bombing campaign in the Second World War has been digitised for the first time.  Swansea firewatcher James R John, 58, wrote in his diary during what became known as the Three Nights’ Blitz on the Welsh city in February 1941. … Read more

Scuba diver captures labyrinth of underwater caves

A daring scuba diver plunged into a Mexican river to take breathtaking photographs of a labyrinth of underwater caves worshiped by the Mayans. Martin Broen, 50, braved the depths below the Riviera Maya in Mexico to capture the ‘magical’ cave system formed during the ice age millions of years ago.   His exploration through the world’s longest network … Read more

Firefighter was sacked after calling short, gay colleague ‘half a man’

Sacked firefighter who claimed he called a short, gay colleague ‘half a man’ because ‘of his size’ rather than his sexuality loses unfair dismissal claim Phillip Staines called his colleague of 16 years ‘Arthur’ in reference to his height  The firefighter insisted that he and Jonny Metcalfe had nickames for each other Judge ruled he … Read more