Masks become compulsory in Paris as French coronavirus cases soar

Masks become compulsory throughout Paris as France admits coronavirus R rate is likely to be as high as 1.4 France’s coronavirus cases are soaring, with 5,429 infections logged Wednesday Paris and Ile-de-France region in which it sits are at the epicentre of the outbreak Jean Castex, French PM, said masks will now be compulsory in … Read more

Diversity ‘underpins EVERY conversation at the BBC’, head of comedy reveals 

Diversity ‘underpins EVERY conversation at the BBC’ and is a ‘non-negotiable’ part of making programmes, head of comedy reveals BBC head of comedy Shane Allen says diversity is constantly discussed He says director of content Charlotte Moore keeps telling staff to factor it in  Mr Allen said: ‘With Charlotte it’s non-negotiable, it’s a thing that … Read more

Germany extends its furlough scheme until the end of NEXT YEAR at a likely cost of £27billion 

Germany extends its furlough scheme until the end of NEXT YEAR at a likely cost of £27billion German economy saw GDP fall by 11.7 per cent over first six months of the year More than 10.1 million workers were on furlough at the peak of the lockdown It is thought that the economy will not … Read more

Europe’s second wave takes hold as cases rise in France, Italy and Spain

France, Spain and Italy all recorded large jumps in coronavirus cases on Wednesday as fears that a second wave is taking hold in Europe grow. France added 5,429 cases overnight, government figures showed, marking the country’s largest single-day increase since April 14, and the third-largest daily rise since the pandemic began. Jean Castex, the French … Read more

More evidence blood-thinners could fight Covid-19: Drugs boost survival odds by up to 50%

Blood-thinners could boost the survival chances for people hospitalised with Covid-19, growing evidence suggests.  Several studies have implied anticoagulants may keep coronavirus patients alive by stopping dangerous clots forming on their lungs. Now an in-depth analysis of one of the biggest pieces of research into the topic has offered more proof that the drugs are … Read more

Half the entries on Scots Wikipedia are revealed as work of US teen who doesn’t speak the language

The majority of articles on the Scots Wikipedia page were written by a teenager in America who doesn’t speak Scots, it has been revealed. The user – who writes under screen name AmaryllisGardener – has made over 100,000 edits on the Scots Wikipedia, including creating tens of thousands of new pages and significantly expanding others. The articles … Read more

BBC Newsnight editor Katie Razzall embarrassed at being white in racism debate

BBC Newsnight’s editor Katie Razzall shared her embarrassment at being appointed as a white woman to chair a session on ‘racism in TV newsrooms’ at a media festival. The 49-year-old told the online Edinburgh TV Festival this week: ‘My chairing this panel as a white woman is indicative of the challenge we are all facing.’ It comes … Read more

BBC Newsnight editor Katie Razzall apologises for being white

BBC Newsnight editor Katie Razzall cringes at chairing ‘racism in the newsroom’ talk and says her role as a white woman shows ‘the challenges we are all facing’- sparking fresh row over show’s lack of BAME presenters Razzall apologises for being white during session at online Edinburgh TV Festival It comes amid a lack of … Read more

Government advice on PPE was ‘confusing’ and ‘not visible’ during the peak of UK’s crisis

Public Health England (PHE) had to be pushed into making its coronavirus guidance clearer following the death of a vulnerable Brit who was visited by carers who were not wearing PPE. Official guidance about when to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) were ‘confusing’ and ‘not visible’ during the peak of the UK’s outbreak, investigators say. … Read more

South Korea sees its highest number of coronavirus infections for months

South Korea reported 441 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday – its highest daily increase for four months – making strict lockdown measures very likely.   The country has added nearly 4,000 infections to its caseload while reporting triple-digit daily jumps in each of the past 14 days, prompting health experts to warn about hospitals possibly … Read more