Neuroscience: Writing on PAPER helps our brains remember information better than on smartphone

If you’re revising for a big test, it’s better to grab a pen and paper than your laptop or tablet, according to a new study.   Taking notes on paper helps our brains to remember information better than on tablet or smartphone, the study has found.  Researchers from Japan asked 48 students to take down the details … Read more

Neuroscience: Artificial ‘brain in a dish’ is created that matures ‘just like a human brain’

Artificial ‘brain in a dish’ is created that matures ‘just like a human brain’ and could shed light on conditions such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia Organoids are simplified, miniature versions of real organs grown in the lab They are made from stem cells with the potential to form different cell types  Brain organoids have already … Read more

Neuroscience: Patience determined by levels of SEROTONIN in the brain, study finds 

Patience is determined by the levels of the hormone serotonin, dictating whether you can calmly anticipate a reward or crave instant gratification, a study has found. Researchers from Japan found that artificially triggering the release of the hormone in mice made the rodents more patient when waiting for food in lab experiments. Furthermore, the team … Read more

Neuroscience: Your brain could be ‘reprogrammed’ to prefer fruit instead of chocolate

Healthy food options could be made appealing by zapping neurons to ‘reprogram’ your brain into preferring, for example, fruit over chocolate, a study has suggested.  When faced with any choice, each alternative causes a different set of nerve cells to fire in your brain — and the more appealing a given option, the faster this … Read more