Local lockdowns could pop up across the nation within 24 hours

Local lockdowns could be imposed within 24 hours of a coronavirus outbreak thanks to real-time data from the NHS app, it was claimed today.  Currently it takes weeks for the Government to assess Covid-19 statistics and decide whether a town or city should face tougher restrictions. Ministers analyse testing figures, infection rates, deaths, hospitalisations and … Read more

Duchess of Cornwall, 73, urges the nation to help OAPs ‘break the silence of loneliness’

It is only a few short months since she had her own experience of loneliness – so it is little surprise that the Duchess of Cornwall has issued a personal plea for everyone to support the elderly. In a video message, Camilla, 73, urges the nation to ‘break the silence in which many live, perhaps with … Read more

Tech Nation beefs up board as it strives to help economy

Tech Nation – Government-backed technology industry body – beefs up board as it strives to help economy recover from coronavirus crisis By Jamie Nimmo, Financial Mail On Sunday Published: 21:50 BST, 26 September 2020 | Updated: 23:01 BST, 26 September 2020 Boost: Tech Nation helps nurture British technology companies Tech Nation – the Government-backed technology industry … Read more

Gemma Collins and Olly Murs lead stars encouraging the nation to download NHS COVID-19 app

Gemma Collins and Olly Murs led the celebrities encouraging the public to download the NHS COVID-19 app in a new advert. The former TOWIE star, 39, and the Voice coach, 36, joined the likes of Simon Cowell, Harry Redknapp and Gordon Ramsay to stress the importance of acquiring the platform in videos recorded from their … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Entrepreneurs warn future of nation is under threat

The horrifying cost of Boris Johnson’s six-month Covid clampdown was dramatically laid bare last night. Business chiefs and hospitality groups issued a string of dire warnings over the impact of the restrictions, saying millions of jobs were now on the line. They said the Prime Minister’s U-turn on his ‘get back to work’ message could … Read more

No10 denies Boris Johnson wore makeup on his HANDS during address to the nation on new Covid curbs

Downing Street has denied that Boris Johnson wore makeup on his hands during last night’s TV address, as figures show his latest statement drew only half the audience he attracted earlier in the pandemic.  The Prime Minister was mocked on social media for sporting what appeared to be a heavy layer of makeup before going on camera, … Read more

Boris Johnson’s speech in full: Prime Minister’s lockdown address to the nation 

Boris Johnson tonight unveiled his new coronavirus restrictions in an address to the nation from Downing Street. Below is his full speech.  Good evening, the struggle against Covid is the single biggest crisis the world has faced in my lifetime. In less than a year this disease has killed almost a million people, and caused … Read more

Boris slams Britain into reverse: PM to address nation TOMORROW

Boris Johnson will unveil a major crackdown on normal life today in a bid to halt a second wave of coronavirus. He will drop his ‘back to work’ drive, announce restrictions on socialising and impose a 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants from Thursday. Pubs and other venues will be allowed to serve seated customers … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty’s gloomy message to the nation

 Anyone awaking bleary-eyed from a weekend of grog-soaked revelry might well have assumed there had been an overnight coup.  All across the airwaves, whichever way you turned, were what looked like two mildly sinister government agents, wearing dark suits and pale shirts, both carrying that answerable-to-no-one air of officialdom. Their tone was severe, their message … Read more

Boris slams Britain into reverse: PM to address nation ordering pubs to close at 10pm

Boris Johnson will unveil a major crackdown on normal life today in a bid to halt a second wave of coronavirus. He will drop his ‘back to work’ drive, announce restrictions on socialising and impose a 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants from Thursday. Pubs and other venues will be allowed to serve seated customers … Read more