Passengers arrive in New York from the UK WITHOUT being checked for COVID despite mutant strain

Passengers arriving in New York City from the United Kingdom said they didn’t have to take a COVID test before boarding their flight Tuesday, despite the discovery of a new mutant strain of the virus in Britain that is 70 percent more infectious. On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called it ‘reprehensible’ and ‘grossly … Read more

Fears over mutant strain’s spread among children puts January return in doubt

Schools could be closed for all of January amid fears that the mutant coronavirus strain spreads more easily among children. With cases surging in many parts of the country, Downing Street sources admitted yesterday that it was ‘too early’ to guarantee all pupils would be back in their classrooms by January 11. Officials told the … Read more

Is mutant Covid ripping through UK REALLY 70% more infectious or is Britain just testing more?

By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which is said to spread far faster. A ‘strain’ is a new version of a virus which has genetic mutations. The new strain is a version of Sars-Cov-2, the coronavirus which causes the disease Covid-19. … Read more

Mutant British variant of coronavirus ‘is probably already in the US’

The mutant British strain of coronavirus is probably already in the United States and could even have originated there, scientists and politicians have said.  The new strain – feared to be 70 per cent more transmissible and to spread more easily among children – has led to calls for the US to impose a travel … Read more

PROF DAVID LIVERMORE: Is the mutant virus really out of control?

Rarely has the midwinter seemed so bleak. Lockdown has returned with a new intensity, Christmas is curtailed by official edict and around half the population is effectively under house arrest. The Government justifies this draconian approach by warning that a dangerous new strain of coronavirus is ‘out of control’, to use the alarming phraseology of … Read more

Millions of ‘mutant covid zombie minks’ will be dug up and burned to prevent pollution in Denmark

Millions of mink will be dug up from mass graves and burned in waste incinerators in Denmark after some resurfaced, prompting complaints from residents about possible health and environmental risks, the country’s government said. Denmark’s entire herd of some 17 million mink destined for the high-end fashion industry was ordered to be culled in early … Read more

Britain CANNOT rely on Nightingales amid mutant Covid crisis

The temporary purpose-built NHS Nightingale hospitals constructed for £220million to help fight the coronavirus pandemic cannot open because there are not enough staff to adequately service them, doctors have warned. The enormous structures were hailed at the start of the pandemic as a solution to the growing crisis in hospital capacity up and down the … Read more

Top German virologist plays down fears over Britain’s mutant strain

A top German virologist heavily played down fears about Britain’s mutant virus strain today, saying he was ‘not so worried’ and questioning Boris Johnson‘s claim that it is 70 per cent more infectious.  Christian Drosten said the 70 per cent figure was ‘simply called that’, suggesting that preliminary scientific estimates might have been overblown by … Read more

Coronavirus UK: America on brink of banning Britons over mutant Covid strain

The US could ban travellers from Britain as flights continue to cross the Atlantic Ocean despite major fears over the new coronavirus strain spreading across the UK. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo last night called for flights from Britain to stop, saying that six are still arriving every day at John F. Kennedy Airport in … Read more

UK coronavirus: European papers tear into ‘chaos’ over mutant strain

The UK is in ‘chaos’ as Europe ‘shields’ itself from an ‘English strain’ of coronavirus that is spreading ‘out of control’, the world’s media has reported today. News that Europe has begun cutting itself off from Britain after the discovery of a coronavirus variant that is up to 70 per cent more infectious made headlines … Read more