PIERS MORGAN: President Trump, take the knee live on TV

There was a barbecue in the town of Griffith, Indiana yesterday. It was possibly the most unusual and unexpected barbecue in US history. More than 400 people gathered in Central Park to protest about the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. They held banners with slogans like ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER‘, … Read more

Piers Morgan rages at lawyer for one of four Minneapolis cops charged with George Floyd’s murder

Piers Morgan has delivered a telling interview with the lawyer of one of the Minnepolis cops who stood by as George Floyd was killed.  The car crash interview saw lawyer Earl Gray slam down his laptop after arguing the innocence of his client Thomas Lane, 37, on Good Morning Britain today. Mr Gray is defending Lane … Read more

Piers Morgan takes playful swipe at Susanna Reid after she makes a jibe about him eating McDonald’s

Piers Morgan joked that his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid had ‘fat-shamed’ him after she teased him about his weight.  The TV presenter, 55, mentioned on Monday’s episode of the chat show that he had enjoyed his first McDonald’s meal in four months since the UK went into lockdown.  He said: ‘Very quickly, I … Read more

Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan fight back tears as they support Kate Garraway’s husband

Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan fought back tears as they pledged their support for Kate Garraway’s critically-ill husband amid his battle with COVID-19. Appearing on Monday’s Good Morning Britain, Piers, 55, and Susanna, 49, looked visibly emotional as they sent their best to Kate and Derek, and admitted they were ‘all hoping for a miracle.’  … Read more

Friends vet Morgan Fairchild, 70, reveals how she lost 30lbs after going on the keto diet

Morgan Fairchild has had a celebrated career with roles on Flamingo Road, Falcon Crest and Paper Dolls, and also as Chandler Bing’s mother Nora Tyler Bing on Friends. At at age 70, the blonde bombshell has no plans on letting her famous looks go. The Texas native told Closer Weekly that she worked hard to drop … Read more

Piers Morgan slams Donald Trump’s ‘unhinged’ lawyer Rudy Giuliani as pair clash on GMB

Rudy Giuliani’s defence of Donald Trump on Good Morning Britain descended into an explosive row with Piers Morgan today, culminating in the former mayor of New York City appearing to tell the presenter he ‘f***** up’ and Mr Morgan calling him ‘unhinged’ in return. Mr Giuliani, who led New York City in the wake of … Read more

Piers Morgan refuses to apologise after stylist Adee Phelan turns the air blue

Piers Morgan gave his hairdresser a free pass by refusing to apologise after he launched into a furious, expletive fuelled tirade on Wednesday’s edition of Good Morning Britain. The presenter, 55, refused to apologise after an interview with personal hairdresser Adee Phelan regarding his efforts to help NHS workers during the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The … Read more

Piers Morgan believes his coronavirus scare was actually ‘the worst hay fever’ of his life

Piers Morgan believes his coronavirus scare was actually hay fever after testing negative for the illness. The broadcaster, 55, had to take a week off presenting duties at Good Morning Britain after falling ill. The presenter feared he had the deadly virus after coming down with several symptoms. Under the weather: Piers Morgan believes his … Read more

Piers Morgan declared that the coronavirus pandemic has put celebrities ‘firmly back in their box’

Piers Morgan has declared that the coronavirus pandemic has put celebrities ‘firmly back in their box’ The Good Morning Britain host, 55, suggested that famous faces have become unimportant amid the ongoing crisis as he said that health workers are the ‘real heroes’. Piers also took a swipe at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, branding … Read more

Piers Morgan confirms he’s signed a new contract to REMAIN on Good Morning Britain until 2021

Piers Morgan has confirmed that he’s signed a new contract that will see him remain on Good Morning Britain until 2021. The broadcaster, 55, insisted that he ‘doesn’t care’ about complaints over his no-nonsense interview technique and declared: ‘If my style upsets people, don’t watch!’ It comes amid Ofcom complaints from 4000 viewers over his … Read more