Tesla driver complains that the Autopilot system is mistaking the MOON for amber traffic lights

Tesla driver complains that his car’s Autopilot system is mistaking the MOON for amber traffic lights and slowing the vehicle down Jordan Nelson filmed during an evening drive in his Tesla car in North Carolina In the video, the moon can be seen low, bright and yellow in the night sky But the console shows … Read more

SpaceX awarded a $178M contract for NASA’s mission to Jupiter’s moon

Elon Musk‘s aerospace firm SpaceX has been awarded a $178 million (£129 million) contract for NASA‘s first mission to Europa, Jupiter’s fourth largest moon.  SpaceX will provide ‘launch services’ for the Europa Clipper mission, which is due to blast off in October 2024 to study Europa through a series of fly-bys, NASA said.  The spacecraft will … Read more

Erin Molan says she’d be ‘over the moon’ to have another baby

Erin Molan says she’d be ‘over the moon’ to have another baby and says motherhood is the ‘most wonderful thing’ she has ever done – three years after welcoming daughter Eliza By Marta Jary For Daily Mail Australia Published: 09:04 BST, 22 June 2021 | Updated: 09:07 BST, 22 June 2021 Erin Molan welcomed welcomed her … Read more

Stunning Strawberry Moon will glow a golden hue in the night sky THURSDAY

Stunning Strawberry Moon will glow a golden hue in the night sky THURSDAY -the last supermoon for the year A supermoon, called a Strawberry Moon, will rise in the sky Thurs This is the last full moon of the spring season and last supermoon for the year It will appear Wed morning, peak Thurs at  … Read more

Russia and China reveal their roadmap to build a base on the MOON

The Shenzhou-12 spacecraft is launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on June 17, 2021 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province of China, carried on the Long March-2F rocket, to Chinese Tiangong space station July 19, 1964: China took its first official step into space, launching and recovering an experimental biological rocket carrying white mice. April 24, … Read more

A Super Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse will grace our skies next week

Look up next week! A Super Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse will grace our skies as our natural satellite appears bigger and redder than usual The full moon that occurs in May is known as the Flower Moon as flowers bloom A total lunar eclipse is referred to as a Blood Moon due its more reddish … Read more

Space-obsessed Elizabeth will become first child to send object to the Moon

Girl, 7, is going to get stuck on the Moon! Space-obsessed Elizabeth will become first child to send object to the lunar surface as her personalised sticker is placed in time capsule Space-obsessed Elizabeth Norman, seven, is sending an object to the Moon A sticker with her social media account name is being included in … Read more

Wannabe astronauts can stay in a Polish nuclear bunker repurposed to mimic the ISS and the Moon

Looking for something cosmic for your next holiday? Then try a simulated space mission inside a former nuclear bunker near the Polish city of Pila that has been repurposed to mimic the International Space Station – and the surface of the Moon. The ex-military airport installation, once used to store SU-22 fighter-bombers, has been transformed into … Read more

Huge asteroid three times the size of a London bus will zip between Earth and the moon TOMORROW

A huge asteroid three times the size of a London bus will zip between Earth and the moon tomorrow at a distance of just 159,000 miles, NASA has revealed. Dubbed 2021 GT3, the 108ft long space rock will fly by the Earth on April 10, making its closest approach to the planet at about 22:30 … Read more

NASA’s Orion that will carry the first woman and next man to the moon completes second drop test

NASA’s Orion capsule that will carry the first woman and next man to the moon completes second drop test that saw the 14,000lb craft fall from seven feet in the air into a hydro impact basin Orion has completed its second drop test and has just two more to go The test was to finalize … Read more