HENRY DEEDES sees the Prime Minister bluster through another onslaught from the Labour leader

With eight minutes still to go before PMQs, Sir Keir Starmer was already in place: legs crossed, back as straight and rigid as a cadet on drill parade.  And what a study in diligent organisation he was. The hair was perfectly gelled, shoes polished to a shiny buff, his collection of notes all beautifully arranged … Read more

Boris Johnson’s government have ‘lost control of the virus’ says Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer

Boris Johnson’s government have ‘lost control of the virus’ claims Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer in explosive interview as daily infections rise to over 12,000 Sir Keir Starmer said PM Boris Johnson was guilty of ‘governing in hindsight’  He called on Government to produce a road-map to deliver UK through winter  Boris Johnson has frequently … Read more

Middlesbrough Mayor does U-TURN: Leader is NOW urging locals to follow Covid rules 

The elected mayor of Middlesbrough has urged people to obey the latest coronavirus rules just a day after he was praised by businesses for his defiant stance. Independent Andy Preston, 54, was furious when the Government said housholds must not mix in public spaces like pubs and restaurants.  Yesterday, he said the strict rules would … Read more

Grandson, 30, of Kazakhstan leader is summoned to court despite being dead

Wealthy playboy Aisultan Nazarbayev, 30, bit a police sergeant’s arm and stripped in an elderly woman’s home The wealthy playboy grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was summoned to court today for breaching the terms of a suspended sentence more than a month after he died. The late Aisultan Nazarbayev, 30, was spared jailed last year … Read more

Lib Dem leader Ed Davey reveals why he had a holiday from hell in Jersey

Checking in… Lib Dem leader Ed Davey reveals why he had a holiday from hell in Jersey – and that he always packs his trunks for coastal party conferences By York Membery for the Daily Mail Published: 16:41 BST, 29 September 2020 | Updated: 16:41 BST, 29 September 2020 Lib Dem leader Ed Davey checks … Read more

HENRY DEEDES on caring, sharing Lib Dem leader Ed Davey’s party conference speech 

 The lentil-chewers would have loved it. Had we been down in Brighton as planned, those well-manicured beards would have been twitching, their sandal-clad trotters stomping the conference hall with glee. Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey’s party conference speech was aimed straight at the faithful’s gut.  A caring, sharing, lip-wobble bid designed to get their … Read more

Labour council leader calls for ‘immediate’ London lockdown and ban on visiting friends and families

A Labour council leader today called for an immediate London lockdown which would include a ban on visiting friends and families.  Jas Athwal, the leader of Redbridge Borough Council, made the plea after it was revealed that his borough and four others in east London saw a spike in cases last week which led to the … Read more

Labour council leader admits plan to ‘take advantage’ of Covid

A London council leader has said he wants to ‘take advantage’ of coronavirus to make controversial temporary road closures and cycle lanes permanent. Julian Bell, the Labour leader of Ealing Council, is hoping to make the area ‘the cycling Copenhagen of London’ after already receiving £600,000 of funding. The married father-of-four added that the local … Read more

Durham University student’s union leader, 21, is self-declared ‘man-hater’

A Students’ Union leader at Durham University has described herself as a man-hater. Nailah Haque’s Twitter profile until recently included the declaration: ‘Misandrist till I die.’ A misandrist is a person who despises men. While the social media account is now defunct, Miss Haque, 21, was elected as undergraduate academic officer in February. Her appointment comes … Read more

Russian cult leader who claims he is the reincarnation of Jesus is detained

Russian special forces today staged a special operation to detain a former traffic cop who leads a sect in Siberia claiming he is Jesus Christ. Sergei Torop – known as Vissarion – and his closest aide Vadim Redkin, a former rock musician, were reportedly detained and flown away under armed guard.   Wispy-haired Torop, 59, is … Read more