White House demands the ‘unconditional release’ of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Biden demands ‘unconditional release’ of Russia’s opposition leader Alexei Navalny after Putin crackdown on protests White House press secretary Jen Psaki called for ‘immediate and unconditional’ release of Navalny Russian authorities arrested more than 3,000 over the weekend Many turned out in bitterly cold conditions Navlany facing 30-day jail sentence after being poisoned in August  … Read more

Andrew RT Davies re-appointed Tory leader in the Senedd

The Welsh Tories have re-appointed Andrew RT Davies as their group leader in the Senedd following the resignation of Paul Davies in a row over lockdown alcohol rules. Paul Davies quit on Saturday after it was revealed he was among a group of politicians who drank alcohol in the tearoom of the Welsh Parliament days after … Read more

Welsh Tory leader QUITS after admitting he drank alcohol on Welsh parliament grounds

The leader of the Welsh Conservatives has stepped down after admitting he downed alcohol on Welsh parliament grounds days after a pub alcohol ban was enforced.  Paul Davies was accused of drinking alcohol with former Welsh Government minister Alun Davies, Tory chief whip Darren Millar and the party’s chief of staff Paul Smith in a licensed Senedd tearoom … Read more

Canada’s Justin Trudeau will be first foreign leader called by Biden

Who the presidents called first  Joe Biden (Jan 22, 2021): Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Donald Trump (Jan 21, 2017): Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto  Barack Obama (Jan 23, 2009): Canadian PM Stephen Harper, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, British PM Gordon Brown George W. Bush (Jan 23, 2001): Mexican president Vicente Fox, … Read more

Angela Merkel’s centre-right party elects Armin Laschet as new leader

BREAKING: Angela Merkel’s centre-right party elects Armin Laschet as new leader to replace her ahead of national elections in September By Ap Published: 10:51 GMT, 16 January 2021 | Updated: 11:08 GMT, 16 January 2021 German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centre-right party has elected a new leader to take over ahead of the national elections in … Read more

Labour’s leader in Scotland Richard Leonard QUITS ahead of Holyrood elections

The Leader of Scottish Labour quit today just months before he was due to lead the party into difficult Holyrood elections. Richard Leonard announced he was stepping down with immediate effect this afternoon after three years in charge. The Yorkshire-born leftwinger, who was aligned with Jeremy Corbyn during his time as Labour chief, had already … Read more

Judas and the Black Messiah trailer follows the rise and fall of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton

Daniel Kaluuya delivers a powerful performance that could vault him among Oscar contenders this awards season as shown in the new trailer for Judas and the Black Messiah. Kaluuya (Get Out) portrays iconic Black Panther leader Fred Hampton, who was betrayed by FBI informant William O’Neal (Lakeith Stanfield), who infiltrated the group as part of … Read more

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is elected ‘general secretary’ of Workers’ Party

A Kim Jong Promot-UN!: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is elected ‘general secretary’ of Workers’ Party – the same title held by his father and grandfather, up from mere ‘Chairman’ before Kim Jong Un was given a new title, ‘general secretary’ of the Workers’ Party  Appointment is largely symbolic, apparently aimed at bolstering his … Read more

The return of Tony Blair? Ex-Labour leader and prime minister ‘advising Matt Hancock on vaccines’

The return of Tony Blair? Ex-Labour leader and three-term prime minister ‘advising Matt Hancock and other Tories on vaccines strategy’ because he believes he can improve ‘inadequate’ leadership Mr Blair is powerful figure in the fight to use vaccines to save lives and economy Sunday Times said he offered ‘strategic advice’ to Hancock several times  … Read more

Sir Winston Churchill’s paintings are increasing in value since The Crown’s portrayal of the leader

Paintings by Sir Winston Churchill have sharply risen in value following The Crown, which offered an insight into the war-time Prime Minister’s life.   The popular Netflix drama gave a generous portrayal of Churchill, played by John Lithgow, 69, as a major guiding light for the young Queen Elizabeth, reminding her of her duties before leaving … Read more