Area code may soon be needed to phone a local landline

You may need an area code soon to phone a local landline as communications watchdog vows to scrap ‘no dialling code’ policy because ‘the public doesn’t want it’ Part of review by Ofcom into future of UK phone numbers as landline use continues to dwindle Most households still have landline connection; just 54% of people … Read more

Number of homes with a landline has fallen by 4m in last 20 years

The number of households with a landline has fallen by four million since 2000, new research has revealed. There are now around 22million connections in the UK, down 15 per cent from its peak at the turn of the century when 95 per cent of homes had one, according to data from Uswitch. Some 1.41million … Read more

Line rental costs: Do I still need to pay if I don’t use the landline?

Households are paying around £200 a year towards line rental despite nearly a third never using their landline telephone, new research shows. Some 72 per cent of those with a landline say they only have one because their broadband package requires it, according to data from Compare the Market. Residential line rental prices cost up … Read more

Providers reveal an increase in calls on landline phones since lockdown 

The popularity of landline phones has soared after providers revealed a rise in calls on the devices since lockdown began. TalkTalk revealed that calls made via landline phones in Britain have doubled during the pandemic with more households turning to more traditional methods of communication to stay in touch with family and friends. The total … Read more