Youthful Hong Kong actress Carman Lee has barely aged in 30 years

A Hong Kong actress who first shot to fame in 1995 has amazed millions of people with her flawless skin, youthful appearance and incredibly toned physique. Carman Lee Yeuk-tung sent the internet into a frenzy recently after sharing a picture of her firm six-pack abs. Fans were further stunned last week by photos of her … Read more

Britain ‘will suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong’

Boris Johnson today insisted he will not be ‘pushed into becoming a knee jerk Sinophobe’ as he warned Britain cannot ‘completely abandon’ its relationship with China despite rising tensions with Beijing.  The Prime Minister said the UK does have ‘serious concerns’ about China’s behaviour on issues like human rights abuses and Hong Kong.  But he … Read more

Dissident reveals relief as UK plans to terminate extradition agreement with Hong Kong

Earnest, bespectacled, boyish, Nathan Law, 27, has a gentle, scholarly air that belies the fierceness of his convictions. Speaking to me from a small apartment in London – he will not disclose the location – the fear that drove him to flee his native Hong Kong is tangible. ‘Wherever I am in the world, I’m … Read more

Dominic Raab set to tear up Britain’s extradition agreement with Hong Kong and warns to be careful

Britain is set to tear up its extradition agreement with Hong Kong today as Dominic Raab warns the country must be ‘very careful’ in its dealings with China. In a move that will further escalate tensions, the Foreign Secretary is expected to announce that the Government will no longer hand over suspects to the former … Read more

Furious McDonald’s customer brutally beats a restaurant worker in Hong Kong 

Big MASK and Fries: Furious McDonald’s customer brutally beats a restaurant worker after being reminded to put on a face mask in Hong Kong Footage allegedly shows the man throwing punches at the worker in Hong Kong He reportedly got angry after the manager reminded him to wear a face mask  The customer then pushed … Read more

Hong Kong: 200,000 set to come to UK after citizenship offer

200,000 Hong Kongers are set to come to Britain to live after UK offered them a route to citizenship Boris Johnson has unveiled plans to welcome three million Hong Kong residents   The Foreign Office is working on estimates that 200,000 will take the offer Alan Mak, a Conservative of Chinese descent, said he doesn’t think … Read more

China warns the UK ‘had better ask its people if they agree to let 3million Hong Kong people in’

China has demanded Downing Street ask the British people if they would welcome three million Hong Kong immigrants before allowing some citizens from the former colony to work and settle in the UK. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on No. 10 to ‘think twice’ before making a final call on an offer to … Read more

TikTok says it will stop its app from working in Hong Kong following ‘recent events’

TikTok says it will stop its app from working in Hong Kong following ‘recent events’ after insisting it does not share users’ information with Beijing TikTok said last night it would be stopping operations in Hong Kong within days  Beijing last week imposed a sweeping new national security law on Hong Kong Facebook, Google and … Read more

China accuses UK of ‘gross interference’ over Hong Kong

Beijing’s ambassador to the UK has accused the British Government of a ‘gross interference in China‘s internal affairs’ after Boris Johnson offered up to three million Hong Kongers a route to citizenship.  Mr Johnson announced the move last week after China pressed ahead with imposing a controversial national security law on Hong Kong.  But Liu … Read more

Hong Kong activist flees the city after testifying before US Congress

A prominent pro-democracy activist revealed he has fled Hong Kong for a secret overseas location after Beijing imposed draconian new security laws on the territory. Nathan Law, a founder of the pro-democracy Demosisto party and a figurehead of the 2014 Umbrella Movement, announced the move on Facebook late Thursday. It came just hours after he … Read more