Tory poll lead crashes to four points amid Dominic Cummings row

Tory poll lead crashes to four points amid Dominic Cummings row with 81% of the public saying the aide DID break lockdown rules – as Raab denies knowing he was self-isolating in Durham Tory poll figures have been slumping amid the Dominic Cummings lockdown row Opinium research finds advantage over Labour down eight points in … Read more

55% of Tory voters say Dominic Cummings should resign over his ‘lockdown breach’

A majority of Conservative supporters believe that Dominic Cummings should be fired for breaking coronvirus rules, according to a new poll.  The Prime Minister’s most trusted aide is under intense pressure for driving 260 miles from London to Durham with his family at the height of lockdown and has faced calls from across the political … Read more

Six out of 10 voters believe Dominic Cummings should QUIT for breaking lockdown rules

Six out of 10 voters believe Dominic Cummings should QUIT for breaking lockdown rules in a new headache for Boris Johnson as the row over his chief aide sees his own approval rating plummet from 19% to minus 1% – its lowest since the pandemic began Some 71%t of people polled by YouGov believe Mr … Read more

Piers Morgan brands Boris Johnson a ‘disgrace’

Piers Morgan has branded Boris Johnson a ‘disgrace’ after he backed his key adviser Dominic Cummings amid rising fury over multiple alleged lockdown breaches. The Prime Minister tonight said Mr Cummings had ‘no alternative’ but to travel 260 miles from London to County Durham when both he and his wife Mary Wakefield were ‘about to be … Read more

Health chiefs accuse Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer of using NHS as a scapegoat in blame game

Health chiefs accuse Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer of using NHS as a scapegoat in political blame game over care home deaths NHS Providers accused the party leaders of using the NHS as a scapegoat Chief executive Chris Hopson penned a letter to both Johnson and Starmer Labour claimed Covid-19 patients were sent to care … Read more

Labour leader Keir Starmer says he will NOT try to rejoin the EU

Labour leader Keir Starmer says he will NOT try to rejoin the EU if he wins the next electon because the Brexit debate is ‘over’ Sir Keir Starmer has insisted the Brexit debate ‘over’ and focus on life outside EU  Made clear he will not campaign to rejoin the bloc at the next election in … Read more

Keir Starmer reveals his children have attended school throughout lockdown

Sir Keir Starmer has urged primary schools to reopen in England as soon as possible as he revealed that his own children have attended lessons throughout lockdown. The Labour leader said his 11-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter were still going to state school in north London as his wife Victoria is an NHS key worker.  … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Zig-zagging Starmer had Keirleaders behind him looking bored

Should you ever find yourself at Waterloo Station with an urgent train to catch, chances are the person in front of you at the ticket kiosk will be in no rush at all. He will um and ah and examine the touch screen quizzically, his expression caught somewhere between wonder and confusion, as though trying … Read more

Boris Johnson accuses Keir Starmer of being ‘negative’ in PMQs clash over coroanavirus test woes

Boris Johnson blasted Sir Keir Starmer for being ‘negative’ today as the Prime Minister faced a tough grilling over Government failures in the coronavirus testing regime. They clashed as Mr Johnson and his leading ministers faced growing criticism over its early handling of the pandemic and a decision to abandon widespread testing for non-medics. Routine … Read more

Commons set to go into recess for nearly a fortnight from tomorrow

The House of Commons is set to go into recess for nearly a fortnight from tomorrow despite coronavirus crisis – as MPs condemn plans to ditch ‘virtual’ sittings and make them attend The House of Commons is set to go into recess for nearly a fortnight tomorrow The break until June 2 comes a month … Read more