NASA’s head of human spaceflight RESIGNS days before manned SpaceX mission

NASA’s head of human spaceflight quit on Monday, just days before the first commercial mission to take astronauts to the International Space Station.    Elon Musk‘s SpaceX will become the first commercial company to fly astronauts to the ISS in a flight that will also be the first from US soil since 2011.  Doug Loverro, who … Read more

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo, with 4% of human cells

Scientists create the most advanced human-mouse ‘hybrid’ embryo ever, with as much as 4% of its blood, brain tissue, and heart cells coming from human stem cells Researchers created a hybrid embryo of mice cells and human stem cells The embyros are the most advanced human-mice hybrids, with some made of up to 4% human … Read more

Hands of an ancient human ancestor species were adapted for climbing and ‘some precision movements’

Two million-year-old hominin with human-like thumb knuckles is the earliest ancient human ancestor to use its hands to grasp objects as well as climb trees, study shows Australopithecus sediba is a distant relative that lived two million years ago  Study claims its fingers were suited to climbing and grabbing branches  But its thumb was well-suited … Read more

Pair of antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from infecting human cells are discovered

Chinese scientists have discovered two antibodies which prevent the coronavirus from invading human cells.  The distinct antibodies are called H4 and B38 and prevent SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, from latching on to uninfected cells. In preliminary trials on mice, the amount of virus inside infected lungs was reduced by up to a third … Read more

Some aquarium fish are showing signs of depression after two months without human visitors

Finding emo! Fish can develop depression too according to marine biologists at an Australian aquarium, who say they miss seeing human visitors through the glass Many fish at Carins Aquarium in Australia have become depressed Marino biologists say it’s caused by the lack of human visitors to interact with Some fish stopped eating, while others are … Read more

Couple who reported man and woman tell of their horror after police found human TORSO in suitcase

A ‘shaken’ couple who reported a man and woman acting suspiciously behind their former sawmill in the Forest of Dean have told of their horror after police swooped and found a human torso in a suitcase. The grisly find was made in Gloucestershire late on Tuesday night and investigating officers believe there is one female … Read more

Coronavirus US: Tablet vaccine is about to go into human trials

Millions of doses of a new Covid-19 vaccine could be in production by the end of the year, according to a San Francisco-based scientist who has been praised by Dr. Anthony Fauci for his work in the past. Immunologist Dr. Sean Tucker is currently trialing several different vaccine candidates at his California lab – some … Read more

Police launch murder probe after finding a human torso in suitcase

Man and woman arrested after police stop them ‘walking down street carrying a human torso in suitcase’ – before finding other body parts scattered in a nearby forest Woman in her 20s and man in his 30s have been arrested on suspicion of murder Human remains found close to Stowfield Quarry, Gloucestershire on Tuesday An … Read more

Human brains use dreams to replay recent events and help form memories, study finds 

Human brains use dreams to replay recent events and help form memories — and experts have gotten the first glimpse of this process in action, a study has reported.  When we sleep, our brains replay the firing patterns our neurons underwent while awake — a process that experts refer to as ‘offline replay’.  It is … Read more

Research generates mature human cells inside mouse embryo

Scientists say they have been able to produce millions of mature human cells in a mouse embryo for the first time. The researchers injected human stem cells into a mouse embryo, which then generated millions of mature human cells as it developed.  The researchers claim that up to four per cent of the total number of … Read more