9/11 first responders may be at higher risk for dementia, studies suggest

First responders at Ground Zero on 9/11 are at greater risk for dementia than average Americans, two new studies suggest.  In addition to being vulnerable to certain cancers as a result of exposure to toxic dust clouding the air in the aftermath of the collapse of the twin towers, firefighters and paramedics may be robbed … Read more

All over-40s could face higher taxes to fund cost of care – expected to soar by £7billion a year 

All over-40s could face higher taxes to help fund the cost of care – which is expected to soar by an extra £7billion a year Prime Minister Boris Johnson considering options to end the social care crisis He is under pressure to solve the issue he promised to fix more than a year ago Johnson … Read more

Cases of ‘broken heart syndrome’ are FOUR TIMES higher during the coronavirus pandemic

Cases of ‘broken heart syndrome’ are FOUR TIMES higher during the coronavirus pandemic as stress levels soar due to fears over COVID-19 Experts in Cleveland report more patients with the condition from March onward Furthermore, their hospital stays lengthened although none had coronavirus  The syndrome — called ‘stress cardiomyopathy’ — can resemble a heart attack  … Read more

COVID-19 can cause delirium, stroke and nerve damage in ‘a higher than expected number of patients’

Infection with the coronavirus can cause delirium, stroke and nerve damage in ‘a higher than expected number of patients’, a study has found. Experts from University College London have reported a ‘concerning increase’ amid the pandemic of a rare brain inflammation known to be triggered by viral infections. Typically seen in children, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis … Read more

Women who suffer hot flushes and night sweats at higher risk of heart attacks, angina and strokes

Women who suffer hot flushes and night sweats are at much higher risk of suffering heart attacks, angina and strokes, study reveals Researchers from Australia reviewed past studies involving 23,365 women Cardiovascular disease is 70% more likely post-menopause with the symptoms Experiencing vasomotor symptoms before menopause also increases the risk By Ian Randall For Mailonline Published: 13:35 BST, 3 … Read more

Public transit linked to coronavirus death risks – and may explain higher fatality rate for blacks

Public transit may be the reason that black people are dying from the novel coronavirus at higher rates than whites, two new studies suggest. African Americans are more than 2.5 times likely than Caucasians to ride commuter rails, subways and buses – and 3.5 times more likely to die of the virus. One study found … Read more

Covid-19 death rate in UK care homes 13 TIMES higher than in Germany

Coronavirus has killed more care home residents in the UK than any other country in Europe and the death rate is 13 times higher than Germany‘s, a study has found. Researchers say only Spain has seen a larger proportion of its care home population killed by the virus. One in every 20 people living in … Read more

Marijuana with higher amounts of THC may not get user higher

Marijuana with greater amounts of THC may not actually get users higher, as study finds smokers reported the same intoxication levels regardless of cannabis strength Researchers from University of Colorado, Boulder tested marijuana tolerance They divided 121 pot smokers into two groups and gave one high THC-concentration marijuana, while the other got low-THC marijuana flowers … Read more

China’s real coronavirus death toll ‘could be TEN TIMES higher than official statistics show’

China‘s real coronavirus death toll could be 14 times higher than official statistics show, a study has claimed. US researchers suggest China covered up the true size of its epidemic and used the activity of crematoriums in Wuhan to try and calculate accurate numbers. They found the city — which is where the pandemic began … Read more