More than 20% of Gen Z-ers say they will NOT get a Covid vaccine, survey finds

More than one-fifth of Generation Z says they don’t plan to get a coronavirus vaccine when it comes available to them, a new survey finds. Conducted by STAT-Harris Poll, it showed that 23 percent of 18-to-24 year olds are not going to receive a COVID-19 shot. This is a much higher percentage than the share … Read more

Doubling Michigan’s vaccine supply could prevent 1,200 deaths, model suggests

Biden administration officials are refusing to boost the vaccine supply sent to Michigan, which is now in a vicious fourth wave of coronavirus infections and deaths.  Doubling the number of doses sent to the Great Lakes state weekly could prevent up to 1,200 COVID-19 deaths, one University of California, Berkeley model suggests. But when asked … Read more

Black women are up to four times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared to white men

Two new studies have revealed the impact the coronavirus pandemic had on death rates in certain U.S. communities and during its early days. In one study, researchers from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that black women died of COVID-19 at far higher rates in Georgia and Michigan than white men did. Another … Read more

U.S. Army starts clinical testing trial for its OWN COVID-19 vaccine

The U.S. Army has launched clinical testing for its ‘next-generation’ COVID-19 vaccine that’s designed to protect against the pandemic virus, its variants and other coronaviruses.  In early tests, the shot appears to prompt high levels of antibodies that should block the older ‘wild-type’ coronavirus, three major variants and even SARS-CoV-1, the similar pathogen that triggered … Read more

Fauci says Covid cases ‘are at a disturbing level’ and are set to surge

Dr Anthony Fauci warned that the number of new coronavirus cases recorded every day has flattened at a ‘disturbingly high level.’ On Wednesday, the country reported 75,038 infections with a seven-day rolling average of 65,882, marking the 13th day in a row that the average has topped 60,000, according to a analysis of Johns … Read more

Vue cinema chain admits health and safety offences over Birmingham death

Vue cinema chain admits health and safety offences after a man was crushed to death by motorised seat as he tried to find his dropped phone and keys while his horrified wife watched Ateeq Rafiq, 24, was at the Vue Cinema in Star City, Birmingham with his wife  At the end of the film he … Read more

Health: Almost two thirds of Britons say they’re trying to lose weight before lockdown ends

1. Create work-at-home boundaries During this time of uncertainty, developing a new routine with more structure in your day can help create some sense of normalcy.  If you’re someone who used to decompress during your commute, creating a new routine that mimics your old commute can break up the workday and give you a chance … Read more

Moderna vaccine is effective against California variant and produces antibodies for least 6 months

Moderna Inc’s coronavirus vaccine is effective against the California variant and its protection last for six months, two new studies find. In one study, researchers from Duke University found that the antibodies generated by Moderna’s jab had about two times less neutralizing power against the strain that was first discovered in the Golden State. While … Read more

US overdose deaths in 2020 likely topped 90,000 

Overdose deaths likely claimed the lives of nearly 90,000 Americans left isolated and broke amid the pandemic, new data suggests.  Between September 2019 and August 2020, there were 88,295 ‘predicted’ overdose deaths – a rough estimate based on early data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  That’s a record-high for that period, … Read more

Half of US adults will be vaccinated with at least one dose of Covid shot by this weekend

Half of all U.S. adults will receive at least one coronavirus vaccine dose by the end of the weekend. Currently, 41.7 percent of Americans aged 18 or older have gotten at least an initial shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But on CNN‘s Cuomo Prime Time on Tuesday, Andy Slavitt, … Read more