Darren Grimes files formal complaint over Scotland Yard’s handling of ‘race hate’ probe

Journalist Darren Grimes has today formally complained to Scotland Yard over its handling of a ‘race hate’ probe into his interview with historian David Starkey. The pro-Brexit blogger is seeking an apology from the Metropolitan Police for causing ‘significant distress’ and exposing him and Dr Starkey to ‘reputational damage’ as they investigated the pair for … Read more

Darren Grimes files formal complaint over Scotland Yard’s handing of ‘race hate’ probe

Journalist Darren Grimes has today formally complained to Scotland Yard over its handling of a ‘race hate’ probe into his interview with historian David Starkey. The pro-Brexit blogger is seeking an apology from the Metropolitan Police for causing ‘significant distress’ and exposing him and Dr Starkey to ‘reputational damage’ as they investigated the pair for … Read more

Scotland Yard DROP ‘race hate’ probe into Darren Grimes and David Starkey

Scotland Yard has dropped its ‘race hate’ probe into journalist Darren Grimes and historian David Starkey after ill-judged remarks were made during an interview given at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests. The Metropolitan Police launched an investigation into Mr Grimes, 27, and Dr Starkey, 75, earlier this month for allegedly stirring up … Read more

Reformed neo-Nazi reveals how she ‘manoeuvred around’ Facebook’s hate speech algorithms

Reformed neo-Nazi who managed a far-right Facebook page reveals how she ‘manoeuvred around’ hate speech algorithms by making the page seem ‘palatable’ and saving Swastikas and Hitler references for the website Acacia Dietz was a member of the National Socialist Movement for two years She oversaw social media for the group – the US’ largest … Read more

Police review ‘race hate’ probe into journalist Darren Grimes and David Starkey

Police are set to review a ‘race hate’ investigation against journalist Darren Grimes and David Starkey to ensure it’s ‘proportionate,’ after the historian referred to the ‘damn blacks,’ during a YouTube interview.   Scotland Yard launched a probe against Mr Grimes, 27, for allegedly stirring up racial hatred, after sharing his interview with Starkey 75. During … Read more

Diversity’s Ashley Banjo says he has been spurred on by the ‘hate’ he received

Ashley Banjo has admitted he has been encouraged to ramp up his Black Lives Matter campaign following the ‘hate’ he received over his Diversity routine. The Diversity dancer, 32, said he would perform the same routine 100 times over, despite the fact it received 24,500 Ofcom complaints, making it the most complained about TV moment … Read more

Racial and religious hate crimes soar by a third in a year amid coronavirus lockdown

Racial and religious hate crimes soar by a third in a year amid coronavirus lockdown and Black Lives Matter tensions Race hate crimes accounted for 72 per cent of hate offences in 2019 to 2020    Hate crime motivated by sexual orientation rose by 19 per cent in 2019 to 2020 Transgender hate crime went up … Read more

Sir Keir Starmer refuses to condemn Met Police over ‘race hate’ probe into journalist Darren Grimes

Sir Keir Starmer refuses to criticise Met Police over ‘race hate’ probe into journalist Darren Grimes – who slams investigation as a ‘waste of time with terrifying consequences’ for press freedom Mr Starmer said ‘When people go over the line it’s right that it’s investigated’ Scotland Yard vowed to continue its investigation into Darren Grimes … Read more

You can’t say Lycra louts! Campaigners call for abuse of cyclists to be made a hate crime

You can’t say Lycra louts! Campaigners call for the abuse of cyclists to be made a ‘hate crime’ giving them the same protection as domestic violence victims and refugees Abuse of cyclists would be treated as a ‘hate crime’ under proposed guidelines They would get the same protection as domestic violence victims and refugees Media … Read more

JOHN HUMPHRYS: Making misogyny a hate crime is the justice of the Mad Hatter

This may be the first newspaper column I have ever begun with a personal appeal to my readers.  My defence is that we are living in such strange times. Unprecedented even. And for once I’m not referring to the Covid crisis. Some of you may disagree with what I write. In normal times that wouldn’t … Read more