BT in the dock after £530m Italian accounts fraud

BT in the dock after £530m accounts fraud: Italian prosecutors claim firm inflated revenues and invented bogus supplier transactions By Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 22:16 GMT, 10 November 2020 | Updated: 22:16 GMT, 10 November 2020 Telecoms giant BT is facing a court trial over its £530million accounting scandal in Italy. The … Read more

Sean Connery’s widow ‘faces jail and £21million fine over Spanish tax fraud claims’

Sean Connery’s widow is facing jail and a £21 million fine over alleged tax fraud in Spain. Micheline Roquebrune, 91, denies any involvement in a scam over the sale of the couple’s Marbella home, in a case which saw Bond star Connery’s lawyers jailed in 2016.  It comes as Micheline revealed that Connery’s ashes are to be … Read more

Trump tweets interviews with Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz claiming election fraud

President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted interviews from South Carolina Sen Lindsey Graham and Texas Sen Ted Cruz who both made claims of election fraud during the presidential election.  Trump’s first tweet was of a segment featuring Cruz that aired on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. In the clip, Cruz claimed that the Republican Party is … Read more

Rudy Giuliani claims he has ’50 witnesses’ to voter fraud

President Trump‘s lawyer Rudy Giuliani threw out a blizzard of accusations of what he calls systemic voter ‘fraud’ in the elections – claiming the campaign could launch as many as ten lawsuits, and that he has 50 people who will testify in Pennsylvania although saying ‘I can’t show all of the witnesses’ right now. The … Read more

Trump launches new barrage of unfounded claims about election fraud

President Trump broke cover on Saturday morning after firing off a barrage of angry tweets as Joe Biden edged closer to White House victory, making a series of unfounded claims including that tens of thousands of mail-in votes had been ‘illegally’ cast because they arrived after 8pm on election day and alleging that hundreds of … Read more

Business minister Nadhim Zahawi pledges to ‘stamp out’ bounce back loan fraud

The Business Minister yesterday pledged to ‘stamp out’ bounce back loan fraud after being grilled over the Mail’s expose of conmen exploiting it. Nadhim Zahawi was confronted on live radio after we revealed how scammers were cashing in on lax checks by helping arrange fraudulent loans worth tens of thousands of pounds. LBC presenter Nick … Read more

James Murdoch’s wife Kathryn agrees that Fox News should disavow Trump’s fraud claims

James Murdoch’s wife Kathryn has voiced her agreement that her family, which owns Fox News, must ‘put their country above their profits’ and disavow President Donald Trump‘s claims of widespread voter fraud. Kathryn Murdoch, 47, expressed the sentiment in a tweet on Friday, saying she agreed with CNN host Jake Tapper, who had stated: ‘The Murdochs … Read more

Trump’s ‘electoral fraud’ lawsuits explained – as Michigan bid FAILS

President Donald Trump‘s post-election legal strategy has been to file lawsuits everywhere his team believes there are votes to be found or blocked and where Joe Biden is inching ahead – even if their push in one state contradicts what they are seeking in another. The strategy gives Trump’s lawyers multiple avenue for challenges, with … Read more

Trump’s ‘electoral fraud’ lawsuits explained – as Michigan bid FAILS

President Donald Trump‘s post-election legal strategy has been to file lawsuits everywhere his team believes there are votes to be found or blocked and where Joe Biden is inching ahead – even if their push in one state contradicts what they are seeking in another. The strategy gives Trump’s lawyers multiple avenue for challenges, with … Read more

International election observer says there is no evidence for Trump’s fraud claims

The head of an international delegation monitoring the US election has concluded there was no evidence of election fraud despite President Donald Trump’s claims involving mail-in absentee ballots. Michael Georg Link, a German lawmaker who heads an observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said that Tuesday’s election was ‘competitive and … Read more