Five families tell how they’re going to spend after saving in lockdown

As lockdown life continues to take its toll, there is a silver lining for some, at least. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, there is little for us to spend our money on — and many people’s bank balances have received a welcome boost. Bank of England figures this week revealed that families … Read more

Insurance boost for families in flood-prone areas

Insurance boost for families in flood-prone areas as they could get lower premiums if they install protective measures Residents in flood-prone areas may be entitled to lower insurance premiums  Plans for householders to claim discounts with floor barriers or air brick covers   Aim to give households in flood-hit areas additional support to protect property By … Read more

Bereaved families will have to pay Covid fines if funerals break rules

Bereaved families will have to pay Covid fines if funerals break rules, undertakers say after police issued £10,000 penalty when 150 attended service Families who have lost loved ones may have to guarantee to pay cost of fines  National Association of Funeral Directors have suggested new rules to members  Suggested an alternative option of arranging … Read more

Fury as BBC calls dead IRA terrorist a ‘veteran’: Bosses apologise to families

Fury as BBC calls dead IRA terrorist a ‘veteran’: Bosses apologise to families of Troubles murder victims over blunder during funeral news report Relatives of those killed in the troubles were angered by a BBC report yesterday Online report called Eamon ‘Peggy’ McCourt – a former IRA member – a ‘veteran’ Families said it suggested he was … Read more

Images reveal fear of children and families as hundreds of Hungarian Jews are led into Auschwitz

Their faces etched with fear, Jewish children and mothers carrying toddlers walk unknowingly to their horrendous fate. These innocent victims were among around 1.1million people murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz-Birkenau, near the town of Oswiecim, in what was then occupied Poland.  The victims at Auschwitz were among 6million Jews who were murdered by Adolf … Read more

Bereavement charities call for more funding to support grieving families

Bereavement charities call for more funding to support grieving families who have lost loved ones in pandemic after Britain passed 100,000 Covid deaths milestone National Bereavement Alliance calls for mental health funds to support bereaved The charity says ‘sustainable funding’ would help services provide early support to meet bereaved people’s immediate health and welfare needs … Read more

Manchester Arena families blast security firm over ‘flagrant disregard’ for safety

Families of the Manchester Arena bombing victims today blasted the venue’s security firm over its ‘flagrant disregard’ for safety that proved an ‘open goal’ for the terrorists.  Pete Weatherby QC, lawyer for the family of seven victims, said SMG’s failings had also included allowing ‘a CCTV blind spot to exist for many years that was … Read more

One in three locked-down families don’t have enough computers for their children to study

One third of families are struggling with home schooling because they simply do not have enough computers for their children, an exclusive poll for the Daily Mail today reveals. Four in ten parents say the cost of computers and other items they need is too high, according to the survey. More than a quarter cite … Read more

MasterChef champion Simon Wood reveals eight quick and easy recipes to help feed families for £30

Ingredients for the week: Chilli powder – £1 Spaghetti 1k – £1 Soft cheese 800g – 80p Wafer cooked ham – 86p Two tins of mushrooms – £1.80 Garlic – 25p Two tins of chickpeas – 80p each Four onions – 10p each Coconut Milk – 69p Five chopped tomatoes – 28p each Sweetcorn – … Read more

Ministers consider £2bn levy on developers as families face £15bn bill for safe homes after Grenfell

Big building firms face a multi-billion-pound levy to help families pay to repair homes with dangerous cladding in the wake of the Grenfell fire. It could a mean a levy on all high rise flats and possibly a separate charge on major developments to atone for building tens of thousands of flats and homes with … Read more