Operation Save Christmas: Boris Johnson will do ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure families can gather

Boris Johnson is set to do whatever he can to ensure that families will be able to gather together for Christmas this year. The Prime Minister is believed to be considering mass-testing, a vaccine roll-out or a temporary break from the rule of six.  Sources say that plans for up to three million daily coronavirus … Read more

Croydon tram crash: families of dead demand apology from driver

Families of seven people killed in 2016 Croydon tram crash demand in-person apology from driver who fell asleep before speeding off the tracks Seven people were killed and a further 51 were injured in tragic incident in 2016 The tram came off the tracks at almost four times the speed limit and in darkness It … Read more

Vaccinations for children from low-income families have plunged by more than 20%

Childhood vaccinations have plummeted in the US amid the coronavirus pandemic, a new report finds. Between March and May 2020, 1.7 million fewer vaccinations for children up to age two – who are covered under Medicare or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – were administered. That’s a 22 percent decline from the same time … Read more

Hornby sales take off during lockdown as families turn to hobbies

Hornby sales take off during lockdown as families turn to hobbies to keep themselves entertained By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:58 BST, 23 September 2020 | Updated: 22:07 BST, 23 September 2020 Hornby enjoyed a lockdown boost, as housebound families turned to hobbies to entertain themselves. The firm, famous for its model … Read more

Will families be denied care home visits?Ministers consider imposing restrictions on visits

Will families be denied care home visits? New curbs on to stop spreading coronavirus between nursing centres is unveiled… as ministers consider imposing restrictions on visits by loved ones  MP’s  consider imposing restrictions, given the recent rise in infections The new plan would ‘toughen up rules’ surrounding staff movements and  impose restrictions on family visits … Read more

Figures reveal 237,000 fewer families have paid BBC fee in last year as viewers switch to Netflix 

Fewer households are buying TV licences, according to the BBC‘s annual report.  Audiences for its major channels have also fallen, suggesting many families are relying on streaming services such as Netflix.  The Corporation said 25.9million licences were in force in 2019/20 – down 237,000 in a year.  With a licence costing £157.50, the fall cost … Read more

Sir David Attenborough reunites families of Jewish refugee ‘sisters’ who stayed with his family

Sir David Attenborough has revealed how he helped reunite the families of two Jewish refugee sisters who fled Nazi Germany on the Kindertransport and were taken in by his parents during the Second World War. Irene and Helga Bejach, aged 13 and 12 respectively, arrived in August 1939, just 17 days before war broke out, … Read more

Happy families! Baby girl becomes the FIFTH living generation on both sides of her family

A baby girl has become the fifth living generation on both sides of the family.  Eloise Holland, from Blackpool, who was born in November, making her the fifth family generation on both her mother’s and father’s side.  The infant is some 97 years younger than her great-great grandmother Brenda Scarisbrick. Sofia Holland, left, pictured with her … Read more

New law will give families of police officers like PC Andrew Harper legally guaranteed support

A new law will give families of police officers who are killed in the line of duty like PC Andrew Harper legally guaranteed support. Home Secretary Priti Patel spoke of her disdain for those who ‘laugh in the face of the law’ at a meeting with top officers today. According to The Sun, Ms Patel will … Read more

End the obscenity of denying families the basic human right to hug their dying loved ones 

A wife watches over her dying husband, separated by a glass window – he is so ill, he can no longer even see or hear her. The hand of an elderly parent, desperately reaching through the gap in railings toward her daughter, only to be forcibly pulled away. A son, made to speak to his … Read more