Teens who go to bed late and sleep-in are nearly three times more likely to get asthma, experts find

Teens who go to bed late and sleep-in are nearly three times more likely to have asthma, experts find Scientists found a stricter bedtime could reduce the risk of asthma in youngsters Those who went to bed late were almost three times more likely to have asthma The researchers, from the University of Alberta, studied almost … Read more

US dips below 50,000 new cases but experts fear July 4 will act like ‘rocket fuel’ for pandemic 

The United States has dipped under 50,000 new coronavirus cases for the first time in four days, but experts fear celebrations for the July 4th Independence Day weekend will act like rocket fuel for the nation’s surging outbreak. Johns Hopkins University, which tallies confirmed cases, counted 45,300 new coronavirus infections in the U.S. on Saturday. … Read more

Government experts ‘warned in early April of care home staff coronavirus risk’

Government experts ‘warned in early April of coronavirus risk posed by care home staff working in more than one location but restrictions were not recommended until five weeks later’ April 9 meeting raised the issue of ‘staff working between different care homes’ But updated guidance to staff to work at one location not published until … Read more

Florida reports more than 11,000 COVID-19 cases as experts warn weekend could ‘tip US over the edge’

Florida on Saturday reported at least 11,445 new coronavirus cases – the state’s largest number of daily cases so far – as the United States celebrated an Independence Day unlike any other. Many parades and fireworks displays were canceled, beaches and bars closed, and concern was growing that the festivities could cause a spike in coronavirus … Read more

AI experts call to block publication of study on neural network that claims to ‘predict’ criminality

AI experts attempt to block publication of study on neural network that claims to ‘predict’ criminality, saying it’s based on ‘unsound scientific premises’ The skeptics say the study is based on shoddy scientific research They’re calling for Springer to rescind its commitment to publish the study  Proponents say the facial recognition algorithm could have applications in … Read more

Experts insist reusable coffee cups ARE safe to use

Experts insist reusable coffee cups ARE safe to use amid fears over spike in disposable plastic waste during the coronavirus crisis Statement signed by more than 100 experts including virologists and doctors They write that single-use plastics are not inherently safer than reusables Basic hygiene practices should keep reusable cups clean and safe for others  … Read more

Experts fear vast numbers of people will end up on antidepressants they don’t need

As if the Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t enough, unprecedented numbers of people are suffering emotional fallout from isolation, money worries and fear of coronavirus infection, leaving Britain facing a tidal wave of anxiety and depression. That’s the stark warning from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, with the organisation’s president, Professor Wendy Burn, declaring: ‘Our fear is … Read more

1,500 experts demand Boris publishes a clear plan for schools reopening

More than 1,500 leading experts have demanded Boris Johnson publish a clear plan for getting children back to school before a generation of pupils are left ‘scarred for life’. In a scathing letter to the Prime Minister today, paediatricians warned the prolonged closure of schools could spark a wave of health, social and educational problems … Read more

Child health experts warn of devastating long-term effects on pupils

School closures are putting a generation of children at risk of obesity, health chiefs warned last night. They said lack of exercise could have devastating long-term consequences when one in five pupils are already excessively overweight. ‘We need to get kids back to school as soon as we can for their health,’ said Russell Viner, who … Read more

Britons must continue to remain two metres apart, experts tell Government scientific advisers

The UK must stick to the two-metre social distancing rule as reducing it to one-metre could increase the risk of infection tenfold, Government advisers have been warned. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing calls to halve the recommended contact distance in order to allow businesses such as pubs and restaurants to reopen. However, the Environmental … Read more