Experts warn Boris Johnson’s ‘disturbing decision’ to limit gatherings ‘with no scientific evidence’

‘Stop panicking and scrap the rule of six’: Experts warn Boris Johnson’s ‘disturbing decision’ to limit gatherings ‘with no scientific evidence’ could have ‘major social consequences’ Rule of six shows ‘fundamental misunderstanding’ of Covid Britain, experts say Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine experts criticise new legislation   Another 3,330 cases of coronavirus were recorded in the … Read more

Boris Jonson seeks experts to staff his Covid-19 testing labs

Boris Johnson pleads with universities to send him 400 ‘technicians, post-docs or graduate students’ to man new coronavavirus testing mega-labs and save the system from collapse Boris Johnson wants university boffins to staff his planned covid testing labs  The PM is seeking the ‘urgent support’ of 50 universities and medical schools  Thousands of Britons have … Read more

An expert’s view on the ineptitude, confusion and complacency surrounding testing

There was a telling moment in the House of Commons last week that for me encapsulated the mood of exasperation and disillusionment at the Government’s maladroit handling of coronavirus. When Health Secretary Matt Hancock began trumpeting the Cabinet’s new ambition of achieving ten million tests a day, he was greeted by howls of derision. It … Read more

Autistic children may prefer cats as pets because they don’t hold eye contact very long, experts say

Cats may make better pets for children on the autistic spectrum because they don’t hold eye contact as long as dogs, according to a new report. Scientists in France studied autistic children as they interacted with their pets and found dogs exhibited more sustained gazes, while cats produced an equal percentage of glances and gazes. … Read more

Ball python at St. Louis zoo lays eggs, but experts say she has not been near a male in 15 YEARS 

Ball python at St. Louis zoo lays seven eggs, baffling workers who say the snake has not been near a male in 15 YEARS A ball python laid seven eggs, but has not been near a male in 15 years Experts suggest it may have done so asexually or was storing sperm The snake is … Read more

3.2 BILLION people will have a shortage of drinking water by 2050 due to climate change, experts say

While global warming has led to rising tides, it’s also threatening the water supply of 3.2 billion people around the world, according to a new UN report. Runoff from glaciers provides drinking water for tens of millions of people, but record loss of glacier mass is leading to increased water scarcity.  Glacier runoff is expected … Read more

Interstellar visitor Oumuamua is a ‘dust bunny’ formed from particles inside a comet, experts say

Interstellar visitor Oumuamua may be a ‘dust bunny,’ according to experts who say it formed from particles inside an Oort cloud comet and broke off due to hydrodynamic stress Oumuamua, spotted in 2017, is Earth’s first interstellar visitor The discovery has raised many questions, primarily focused on its origins  Experts now say it formed similar to … Read more

Can popping a pill ever beat obesity? We ask the experts for the pros and cons

Tackling obesity is ‘one of the greatest long-term health challenges’ this country faces, the Government announced recently as it launched a new strategy to address it. The figures speak for themselves: about two thirds of adults in the UK are overweight and, of these, half are obese. It is known that excess fat is a … Read more

Archaeology: Egyptian experts unearth 13 sealed wooden coffins in the desert necropolis of Saqqara

Archaeologists have uncovered 13 completely sealed wooden coffins in the desert necropolis of Saqqara, Egypt, that date back around 2,500 years. Located 19 miles south of Cairo, the vast burial complex — which features the step pyramid of Djoser and flat-roofed tombs — served the ancient capital of Memphis. While thousands of sarcophagi have been found interred … Read more

Experts reveal the best places to keep foods fresh

From snack foods to fresh ingredients, researchers have discovered many items are commonly stored in places that could potentially make their consumer unwell.   British luxury wine and food hamper retailer Virginia Hayward, conducted a study of how 30 different foods and drinks should be properly stored and their typical expiration.  They spoke to a number … Read more