Energy: Experimental fusion reactor in the UK successfully produces its first super-hot ‘plasma’

In a step towards cleaner and safer nuclear energy using the same reactions that power the Sun, a UK experimental fusion reactor has powered on for the first time. Fusion power works by colliding heavy hydrogen atoms to form helium — releasing vast amounts of energy in the process, as occurs naturally in the centre … Read more

Green Homes Grant: Could the green energy scheme be extended?

Complaints about the Green Homes Grant are stacking up since the scheme launched at the end of September with experts calling for the existing deadline of 31 March 2021 to be extended. A number of households claim they have been unable to book traders due to lack of availability while others have been rejected as … Read more

ROBOTS swim in schools ‘school’ to save energy, study finds

Underwater ROBOTS help scientists answer the age-old question of why fish ‘school’ – showing they can save up to 13 per cent more energy by synchronising their movements Researchers built swimming robotic fish to investigate the purpose of schooling  Found the synchronisation of fish in schools saves energy for each individual  The fish make use … Read more

Human consciousness is actually the brain’s ‘energy field’, claims scientist 

Human consciousness is created by the brain’s ‘energy field’ which comes from the electromagnetic forces of the organ’s neurons, claims scientist Professor Johnjoe McFadden has published his theory in a prominant journal  Believes that the electromagnetic signals of neurons is key to consciousness   It is well known that these signals produce an electric field around … Read more

Switch energy deals WITHOUT a hitch: Beware these seven costly catches

With millions of us now expected to be working from home this winter, the nation’s heating bills are set to soar. So, as the cold and darker nights approach, now is the perfect time to make sure we have the best energy deal. We are constantly told that the best way to do it is … Read more

Millions of households set to have their energy bills capped for another year

Millions of UK households will continue having their bills capped until the end of next year, the Government has revealed. The energy price cap was introduced in January 2019 in a bid to moderate bills for many households – especially those who had never moved from expensive standard variable tariffs. Around 11million homes are currently … Read more


A strategy originally born out of prudence sets San Leon Energy apart from the crowd amidst 2020’s unprecedented challenges. The Nigeria-focused firm’s lend-to-invest strategy may not have been designed for 2020, nonetheless, it has created a uniquely strong position. A $175million loan note transaction back in 2016 gave San Leon a cash-generating foothold in an … Read more

Households struggling to pay energy bills are set to get emergency credit this winter

Households struggling to pay for their energy will get emergency credit this winter under new regulations from the watchdog. Providers will now have to offer emergency credit to customers struggling to top up their prepayment meter to provide breathing space while working out alternative arrangements to pay. Ofgem is introducing the new licence rules for suppliers … Read more

Energy bills to soar for households whose suppliers go bust

Experts warn households could be forced onto more expensive energy tariff with new supplier by the end year 5 suppliers have gone bust in the last 12 months  Those with one are moved to another supplier by the regulator when this occurs  But tariffs can often be more expensive By Laura Shannon, Financial Mail on … Read more